
Is it too late to back out of the air force?

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So i'm having second thoughts about joining the military. I've done my first stay at meps already. Is it too late?




  1. once you signed the contract its already to late

  2. Nope. It becomes "too late" after you swear in at MEPS the 2nd time around.Until then you're only sworn into the Delayed Entry Program (DEP). All you need to do is write a letter to the head of your recruiting station saying you wish to be released from the DEP. And then tell your recruiter that you no longer intend to join.

  3. Greg is correct. Disregard anyone else's statement.... until you set foot on transport to take you to to basic training, you can still back out.

    Hopefully you don't and it's just a case of cold feet, but either way, good luck to you.

  4. The Air Force is downsizing anyway. It's not like they will miss you and there are plenty waiting in line to take your place.  Do what you feel is right for you.  

    USAF Veteran

  5. Face like a MAN.  Coward!!!

  6. Your too late. Don't worry you've made a good choice by joining them I should have instead of the ARMY. B4 you know it it will all be done as fast as it started and then it'll be easy.

  7. Ah Yes ! You made a commitment now stand up like your a man with a set !

  8. Have you taken the oath? Have you signed the contract? If so guess what..You're in.

    Why is this an issue? I could see some folks not wanting to go Army because they were "voluntold" they would be infantry, but the AF?!? Trust me bro, we get treated pretty well by DOD standards. Most of the folks who join the AF Res or ANG after serving in a sister service say it's because they saw how the AF lives compared to thier digs.

    If you want to go Marines or Army then I'd say go for it, but to completely get out I'd have to ask why you wasted your and my time not to mention my tax dollars trying to join if your indecisiveness is making you want to turn tail and run!

  9. no matter what any recruiter tells you, until you have stepped on that bus to ship out you can back out any time you want.  regardless if you have signed the contract, taken the oath, or stayed over at the MEPS.  now dont get me wrong, your recruiter is definately going to try to "re-sell" you on staying with it by reminding you why you wanted to do it in the first place.  but if your dead set on backing down from your commitments, then go right ahead and do it.  

    for the life of me i dont understand why people like you do this, and knock on wood i havent met one person that ive put in the ARMY that has done this.  i always make sure the person is fully commiteed to joining and is explicitly aware of what he/she is signing up for.

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