
Is it too late to become a tennis professional at 15?

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Hi there guys, I've only started playing tennis for 5 months now .. and i was thinking, is it too late to become a professional tennis player now ?

I've always wanted to play competitive tennis when i was younger , but my parents never really let me or did they have the money.

However, i've started taking on lessons and engaging myself in competitions and im getting good results.

I've beaten many players, who have been playing for years and i'm taking on regional competitions. ( I am progressing really well in my competitons.)

What do you guys think? I am commited about this idea, of becoming professional !

What do i need to do? Get myself in an academy ... any stories?




  1. Well, John MacEnroe started training when he was in 13 years old and he reached #1 in the world. It's hard to tell if someone who starts late can reach far. The typical answer is "No! Too late!", but then sometimes, the player is just REALLY good that he could become good very fast.

    It looks as if you're winning lots of matches in national tournaments (based on what you said), and that's a good sign. Now as a 15 year old, if you want to really reach pro, then your next step should be ITF Juniors tournaments. ITF is the International Tennis Federation, and they're the one above all international tennis even the pro tennis. ATP and ITF work together for all those big guys. So if you want to reach there, then go to the ITF Juniors. That's where the pros were RIGHT BEFORE they played in the matches you see on TV. These are the tournaments you should aim on winning.

    Now if you're really committed, get a good coach. Someone who was been in your position. Someone who knows about the international tennis field. Go 1-on-1 training with him, and let him do his works with your tennis. Be patient, and work hard. Work hard. Work hard.

    Now about tennis academies. Are they good? Well, I think that 1-on-1 coaching is generally better than tennis academies if your coach is good. Academies are only better if...

    1.) They have international tournament players. Playing with these guys will help you a lot

    2.) You caught the attention of a SCOUT from a good, trusted, highly recognized academy. This means that they will give you extra attention

    So sticking with 1-on-1 coaching will also be a good safe bet.

    Now remember, you're not playing the "I-will-suddenly-dash-to-#1" game. You're playing the "I-will-catch-up" game. You can do it. God bless :D

  2. Possible, but improbable.  Don't ever give up on hope though. Dream big dreams.  Anything is possible.  Play tennis because you love the game, though, that way you win regardless of what the results are.

  3. It is a little late considering most pro's are pro by your age. You would need to be very good already and then you would need to go to a tennis academy to train.

  4. Its not to late you can put your mind to anything (however that old saying goes)  :)  However seeing as you are 15 its probably.... well usually all proffesional tennis players start playing by the age of 4!!!! Though you seem to be very passionate towards the game and from what you`ve stated in your question your pretty d**n good :P I say continue with it, keep on improving training and working hard it will all pay off in the end. In the meantime you should look into a tennis academy im not aware of any you could google it or something. Good luck and dont give up :) You can do it !!!!

  5. It is most likely too late to become proffessional. I mean don't stop trying but don't get your hopes up you know what I mean? You would have to work extremely hard to become proffessional. It would be almost impossible. Most proffessionals started playing when they were about 5 years old. Agassi started at 2-3. I started at year and a half. I know Andre Agassi's father personally. Very quite man. You should work hard and you could do well in College at most. It could get you a scholarship to a good school.

  6. You are not so late. You  really seem passionate about it and definitely dedicated, I'm 15, and I love tennis, and I'm sure that if you really commit to tennis  you could become a professional :-) It's true that some professional tennis players started at 3 and became pros at 13 but you still have time. Also I would recommend you to join the USTA, they have tournaments everywhere in the US and they keep a record so it could benefit you in the future :-)

  7. There is a small chance if you have been playing for years already and have just not been ranked but with 5 months under your belt theres no way unless you get a coach to teach you privitly everday for the next 3 years and get highly ranked, you don't have enough time.

  8. it's not that late as u r thinking ,u still hav time don't worry.

  9. I started at 13 (im almost 15 soon) and have beaten players who have been playing since they were like 2 or 3 lol.  I would suggest to enter a really big tournament that will get your name noticed. Look for inexpensive or free tennis programs to make your game better. Some people just have a natural talent and maybe your so good because you either played handball,badminton or pingpong. Go for being a pro just brace yourself that theres a very small chance. Get yourself in an academy that based on your talent might grant you a scholarship. Good Luck =)

  10. its not to late

  11. i say no... impossible is nothing in tennis!!! :)

  12. Its too late. A lot of players were pro at your age

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