
Is it too late to continue figure skating lessons?

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i used to figure skate before

and took lessons

but i stopped taking them before i

even learned how to do

spins and leaps.

im 14 now.

is it too late to continue lessons??




  1. There are competitions at every level - just to clarify.  If you want to compete, there are competitions out there for you no matter what your level or age.  If you're not a spinner or jumper, there's Moves in the Field or ice dance.  These disciplines are very, very challenging even though there is no jumping.  Anyone who can do a backwards loop is an expert in my book!

    But it is not too late, and you'll progress quickly once your muscles start remembering the movements.  Go for it!

  2. I took up figure skating in my mid 20's without previous lessons as a kid.  With lessons, I did learn to spin and jump - so at 14, it's definitely not too late to continue lessons.  I know many skaters who skated as a kid, stopped, and came back later on - well beyond 14!  

    The good thing is, if you start lessons again, it won't be like totally starting over.  At least you know some of the basic moves already and what to expect . . . it'll be matter of review and just getting into the groove of skating again.  

    So go for it - wink!!!  Good luck!

  3. No way.I'm a good ice skater and so is my dad and I think it's great that more older people and teenagers are coming out to ice skate.It's just amazing, the feeling of the ice when you know how to skate well.It's a great social activity for attracting boys,keeps up with the latest fashions and is a talent hard to get and achieve and if you got it I would be really proud 'cos I love it when I can see people ice skate and learn all the time.

  4. Its definitly not. You might be able to get into a pretty decent level, and its never really too late. It might be too late for the olympics, but you never know.

    Ive only been skating two years and I am doing double consistenly. So if you are a fast learner too, you can definitly get some really nice jumps/spins.

  5. its definitely not too late... well like me, i started skating lessons when I was 5 years old... but then I stopped my lessons since brother had to quit because he was gonna go to college already. And I am 14 and I just started again last november... And probably, it would be much easier... cuz well, ur older and well...that works for me and i hope it works for u... :D good luck!!

  6. It is never to late!

  7. It is never to late to start skating lessons!

    I feel as though if you are a little older like you are now you will understand what the instructor/coach is saying better which will make learning it a lot easier and more fun!!

    If you have skating before then you already have figure skating experience so you know the basics. If you know the basics then learning the hard stuff is so much easier!

  8. No Its never to late to start ice skating. But if you want to go into compettions or maybe synco. For when your older the olmpics i say yes your too old.

  9. you probably won't ever rise to the competition level, but of course its not too late to learn skills that will be useful in pleasure skating. You will have many years to enjoy the new skills you will  learn..Go for it!!

  10. Absolutely not. It's never to late to learn new things and your still young but have more maturity. Go get those lessons and learn those leaps and spins.

  11. No way! You should get back into the lessons straight away. I'm 18 and have always wanted to figure skate so i just went along and signed up for lessons! I've only had 6 lessons and I'm really enjoying it! I can only do simple stuff such as  forward crossovers, backwards crossovers, and a simple spin. It's never to late my mum even started and she is 45!

    Good luck with the skating :)

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