
Is it too late to figure skate?

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That rhymed. But anyways, I'm 14, turning 15 in October, and I love figure skating. I used to be in lessons when I was 4-5 but I quit because it was basically the same thing over and over again. I figure skate just on my own now, on the pond in my backyard but I would like to take lessons again. I haven't taken any lessons since I was little. How much does it cost to join a figure skating club usually (Ontario, Canada) Could I still compete at all if I did join? Am I too old now?




  1. i dont know if you could compete but im in a club that is about 150 dollars a year for lessons once a month plus i signed up for 2 extra lessons a week for 100 dollars a month

  2. it's never to late to start to start something as artistic as figure skating i always thought if i started earlier i would be better but it a proved fact starting while your older makes you more stable so go for it

  3. hey im 13 and i am about to go into lessons...i dont think it is ever too late, the place i am going to take at it 30$ per lesson

    but idk how it is in canada

  4. of course no..because there is no age limit regarding in sports...besides john weir started ice skating at age 12 and look at him know he compete in grand pix and won many titles...don't worry too much maybe you will be also a great skater like john weir....hope this helps..gud luck! :-)

  5. It's never too late to skate, love it and compete. There are plenty of people who picked up skating after a long time off the ice and are very good skaters as adults. It's less likely that you'll make the elite level as a singles skater, but you may find the right coach and be a late developer - John Curry was 27 when he become World and Olympic champion. Don't forget that they'll be early starts and there'll be loads of distractions if you're not completely focused.  And some ice dance couples don't blossom until their early/mid 20s. You just won't know unless you try. Go for it!

  6. honestly probably too old cause most of these kids would have started like you did at 4-5 and then continued on since then. they have 10 years up on you. you probably could get good and compete on a small scale but to actually do it do it? i'm sorry but i doubt it.

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