
Is it too late to get involved with testing and extracirricular activities during junior year?

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I will be a junior this upcoming school year. I was wondering if I was interested in going to a good UC (University of California), would it be "too late" for me to get started on SAT II testing since it would have been more impressive to have taken a subject test and have gotten a high score on it as a freshmen or sophomore? I'm planning to take at least two subject tests in the next two years.

I don't think it would be too late for me to take SAT I since it is conventional for students to take it during their junior year.

I'm curious about the ACT as well. I know several people who have taken both the SAT and ACT to compare their performance on both tests.

As for extracirricular activities, I've been actively involved in several clubs in schools, but what about sports? Is it too late for me to join a sports team during my junior year?

I'm taking two AP classes next year. I know, the workload will be insane.




  1. No, it's never too late.

    And go ahead and try out for those sports.  Especially if there's one you're really good at.  You never know. =3

    And seriously, I would bump the AP class number up a bit.  I took 4 last year and it really wasn't that bad.  Just load up on those tests, and if you get a good grade it will save you a ton of money.  (That Chem one isn't as bad as they make it out to be. =D  And the English ones aren't too horrible either.)

  2. It's never too late for any of those things.  Better to be able to have them on your record than not, right?  Those things will only improve your chances of gettng into the college of your choice and, from past experience, I KNOW that extracirricular activities, clubs, etc. are VERY important too, just as good scores are.

    Good luck.

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