
Is it too late to go to the doctor?

by  |  earlier

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I had a miscarriage on the 27th July and I went to the hospital, they did blood test and ultra sound. When I was discharged the next day they told me to go to the doctor at the end of the week but the bleeding stopped after 6 days and I was feeling ok. I didn't have a d/c post miscarriage.

I know I should have gone to the doctor, ...but...well...I just didn't.

Is it too late? Should I still go? Will they be mad at me????




  1. i guess its good to go because just in case some tissue is left inside and that can be really dangerous. I would say just go so they can do an ultrasound to make sure you are all clear

  2. Yes you should still go.  It is very important to get checked after having a miscarriage!  You need to have your blood drawn to make sure your levels have gone down.  If the mc wasn't complete you can have complications that later lead to infertillity!  They have to make sure that all the "products of conception" (their terms not mine) are out, and you need an exam to check the health of your cervix and uterus.  Its not too late yet but you really need to take care of your body.  Getting the proper care after having a child or having a mc is very important for your future heath and well being.

  3. I don't think it's ever too late to go to the doctor.  If you are concerned I think you should go.  The doctor is not there to judge you, only help.  

  4. They always tell you to go to your doctor after you visit the hospital. It's protocol.

    It's definitely not too late for a visit to your dr, and trust me, they won't be mad at you!!!!

    If you want an exam, go ahead and go in. Otherwise, I wouldn't worry too much. Your body can probably handle it.

  5. They aren't going to be mad at you. It's not the principal's office. Make an appointment and get a check up to make sure all is well. As, I'm sure it is. If your uterus had gotten infected from a partially expelled miscarriage you would be really sick and as I didn't see any symptoms but good ones I'm sure everything is well in good. So, follow up with the GYN and have a great night! God Bless.

  6. You should go to the Doc so they can check out everything and be sure your in good health. if they didn't do a d.n.c they may need to, so you don't get an infection. only a doctor can tell, No they won't be mad at you. can your doc in the morning and make an appointment.  

  7. No you need to go to the dr. they need to check your hormone level and make sure that you actually did miscarry.  they will also want to make sure that you passed everything. I'm sorry for your loss.  

  8. You should still go.

    And too bad if they are mad at you, you are the "customer" here. And this is not an easy thing to deal with. Not happyfun time.

    I am sorry for your loss.  

  9. Your bod, your health, your business.

  10. Will they be mad? NO. Many, many do the same thing.

    But you should always follow medical instructions young lady. lol

    There now you have been scolded.

    Women for centuries have had miscarriages without follow up.

    We do now because it is safer for us. There is always a chance for infection if it is not a clean abortion. Sorry but that is the word used for miscarriage in the medical field. meaning the uterus is free from the placenta.

    Go ahead and make a visit as soon as you can.

    Chances are very high that all is ok. it has been a month with no fever or discomfort.

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