
Is it too late to hush up Sarah Palin's daughters teenage pregnancy?

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  1. Which one are you referring to?  Trig, or this second one?

  2. Great question

    Was hoping someone would bring this up other than me,

    Sarah Palin said back in March of this year that SHE was pregnant

    Sooooo where that baby?

    Ah yes!

    It wasnt hers it was her daughters!

    Just another example of the lies we are daily spoon fed and the repubs eat this stuff up like cheerios

  3. OMG!!!!  Yes, it is.  That wasn't on her list of achievements.  

  4. There are more important things to hush up like George Soros purchasing 2 million shares of stock in Halliburton.

  5. By the time Bristol Palin's baby is born, Bristol will be a MARRIED ADULT, with a working husband, and NOT on welfare

    So...What's to 'hush up'?

    @ Arbgre and Danny: You're idiots. A person can't get pregnant while they're already pregnant. The baby is 4 months old, Bristol is 5-6 months pregnant. Why do Dems demand free college educations, when they refused to complete free ELEMENTARY educations?...On second thought, the less you guys know about reproducing, the better

  6. It is. So don't be surprised if this girl goes mysteriously missing.

  7. Sh'es not trying to hush anything up. I wish you would though

  8. To rebut rumors, Palin says daughter, 17, pregnant

    Mon Sep 1, 2008 12:02pm EDT

    ST. PAUL (Reuters) - The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said on Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.

    Bristol Palin, one of Alaska Gov. Palin's five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and is going to keep the child and marry the father, the Palins said in a statement released by the campaign of Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

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