
Is it too late to invest in Warren Buffet's company?

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I've heard the Berkshire -B stock is more affordable, but it's still very expensive. Is it really worth it?




  1. this is probably the most expensive individual stock!!

  2. Yes it is too late.

    Now think about the following questions:

    How old are you

    How much money do you make a year

    How much do you want to make investing

    How much time will your money have to make that amount

    How much risk are you comfortable taking

    How much money do you have in savings and other accounts

    What tax braket are you in

    Write all these anwsers down and go to a financial advisor, find one that your relatives or friends recommend, if they don't know anyone, email me and I will recommend one, then he will take all your anwsers to those questions and work up a strategy with you, based on your anwsers to reach your financial goal.


    Good luck.

  3. You might but if it is a good buy, why doesn't WB invest into it himself?  He knows management, how the company runs, and yet he isn't buying shares.  Overpriced?  

    It would be neat to own a part of Berkshire but I am not buying into it until he does.

  4. it is never too late. Since it is down, now is the perfect time.

    Don't invest unless you have a time frame.

  5. Rather than invest in Bershire stock, see what Warren Buffet invests in and see why he does it.  There is a ton of information on the internet where he explains the how and why.  As for it being too late, I honestly don't think so if you are investing for the long term, but you would be better off getting your own well diversified portfolio think about how much investment power you have from just one share of Bershire B let alone Berkshire A.

  6. When they say a stock is more affordable that means it has dropped in price.

    Is it worth it?? some people think so

    But if you're a new investor you should consider buying other stocks that are of greater value but at a lower price. This will give more leverage for the dollar amount invested.

    You don't buy a stock because of a Buttet's name, many investors have not done that well in doing so.

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