
Is it too late to start pointe at 15?

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Is it too late to start pointe at 15?




  1. No. Not at all. But to be considered to start you need to be in intensive training - that means at least 3 classes of 1.5 hours per week. (And have been training at an intensive level for about 3 years before this.

    Join the ballet community ballet talk for dancers (google for link) and read the information there about starting pointe and the facts of life about pointe.


  2. No i started when i was like 11 or so and quite and started back up this past year when i was like 17/18 and i did fine

  3. normally i say, "It's never to late to try something new," but in this case, you will have to try very hard.

    now, you weren't very specific, so heres what i have to say:

    if you have done ballet, not jazz hip hop etc, before, sure go ahead, but be aware, pointe is a lot harder then we professionals make it look, you will have to stick with it for a year untill you are as good as those girls who started pointe as soon as the foot docter said they could. another thing: make sure, if you teacher isn't there, that you tell the pointe shoe fitter that you are a begginer, they will some times bring out a different type of shoe then.

    if you have never done ballet, not hip hop jazz etc., then i would do ballet fo 1 semester, and then, if your teeacher says to go for it, try poointe the next semester. the whole thing will be a shock, and you probably won't have the right muscles built up nless you do some ballet first. it will also help you to build up your dance vocabulary, since you will have heard it for about 4 months.

    no, you don't have to go out and do 6 hours of classes a week, and don't let anyone tell you that

  4. oh so late. ballerinas require so much training and practice. i took a jazz class in november( i was 14 at the time) and ive had experience with choreography and sort of hip hop stuff. well, i was so totally lost in that class, all the girls were so graceful and perfect at it, it was really tough. i stuck at it, and i did the recital, but im sticking to my 5, 6, 7, 8 stuff

  5. No...

    but you'll only be ready if you have been training in ballet for many years.

    If you haven't, it will be worth your while investing in some general ballet lessons first until you built up the required strength in your ankles and feet.

  6. Hi!!

    I do RAD ballet and I started pointe work at 13, after already doing ballet for 10 years. The answer really all depends on a couple of factors: Firstly, how long have you been doing ballet for? Are you really committed and dedicated? Are your feet growing well - how are the growth plates? Do you have strong ankles? It's not too late to start - if you work hard enough.

    Good luck whatever you do!!

    P.S. I don't take 6 hours of classes a week either.

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