
Is it too late to start taking dance lessons at 15?

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I am 15 and i love dancing around and having fun and I really want to take dance classes for hip hop and jazz but I don't know- is it too late to start now at my age?

Most girls start when they are little. So dancers out there- is it ok to start later?




  1. If you love to do it and if your going to be dedicated to it, go for it! its ok to start later then everyone else as long as you are commited.

  2. it is ok to start later if you really want to do it then go for it. Its never to late to try something new or your interested in.

  3. well im 12. i compete, ive been a competitive dancer for years. if you start then, your unlikely to be as good as you would be if you had danced your whole life, but if it's something you want to do then give it a shot! you never know, you might be a natrual(:

  4. not at all! its never too late! im 14 iv just started dancing and i have overtaken people that have ben dancing since they were tiny!

    go for it hunii !!

  5. Absolutely! It's never too late to start. I'm a ballet dancer and we have new people start all the time...even adults who are above the age of 50. They say that if you can do ballet, you can do any type of if we have people starting as adults...I wouldn't see why you couldn't start as a teen. Good luck! Dance your heart out! : )

  6. It is fine to start whenever you want! No one will judge you on when you started dancing. Just go and have fun! Dance is the best!

  7. Of course it's not too late. There are tons of teen classes for beginners.

  8. No!  I used to work with a lady who had finished grad school (Ph.D.) and had been working in the field some years.  She was 30ish when she started Modern Dance.

    Her transformation was incredible!  She went from "nerdy" chemist ( a little goofy looking with a duck walk, big round glasses, and long, stringy hair) to beautiful, s**y (but in an elegant way-- there was nothing vulgar about her), CONFIDENT, and an amazing dancer!  It was like she emerged a butterfly.

    Dance!  Dance!  Dance!  And, have fun!  You are never too old to pursue happiness.  You may even discover you have a talent for it and do more than just have fun and get fit!

  9. for those people who said you wont be as good as others sence you started late are wrong!!!! i am 13 and i just started dance 1 year ago so ive only been dancing a year and i=and like half way through the year i went to nationals with my team and i did a solo and got 3rd place!!!!! out of about 100 people and now im captain of my squad and in the front of most of the formations in our team dances and im doing great!! so if you have great determination like i did then you will do great just work your hardest and do go to ballet it is not to late and trust me it will make you an even better dancer and you will have a great core! ballet is good for you even wen you want to take hip hop it makes your legs and core strong enough to do the hardcore moves and stuff! i am in ballet hip hop leaps and turns and jazz and a stretch class that is great  for you and im doing another solo this year and hoping to great and trust me derermination can take you a long way!

  10. I started dance @ age 3. Most people do start when they are little. But one the people that came to my dance school to teach a week of summer intensive (FOYE DUBOSE) didn't start untill he was 14! And now he is a professional dancer! And even if you dont become a pro, all that matters it that you have fun!

  11. i started hip hop and bboyin when i was 13. some dancers i knew told me i'd never be good because i started late. i'm 15 now and i'm in a hip hop company and i help teach a class for kids ages 10 and under. so yeah, it's not too late. you've just gotta work hard and practice a lot. don't let any one tell you you can't do it.

    good luck :)

    p.s. i started ballet, jazz, and modern when i was 15

  12. Not at all :]

    The type of dancing you do need to start at a young age is ballet, but you want to do hip-hop and jazz, which can be started at any age :]

  13. Hi!

    never think that it is late, it is some thing dependent on individual interest not age.go a head do not waste time.

    good luck

  14. No not unless you have no potentiel or want to be a pro ballet dancer:)

  15. I don't think it's ever too late to start dancing! ^^ You should go ahead and try. I'll be fifteen this fall and I'll be (hopefully) starting dance classes. So should go ahead and take the classes.

  16. You will be fine! Ir's never too late to start dancing! Most ballerinas Do start dancing very young, but since you don' t want to take ballet, you'll do fine!

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