
Is it too late to teach my parakeets to talk? How do I teach them to talk?

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I have two baby parakeets that I got about 10 months ago--one is female, one is male. I've recently decided that I want to teach them how to talk, but I'm not sure whether or not it's too late. They live together in one cage, but I've heard that that makes them less likely to learn to talk. Could someone please tell me how to train them to talk, or if it's too late to teach them.

Also, their cage is on a stand against the wall, and we have a decorative mirror hanging on the wall right above the cage. They both like to stand on top of the cage and look at the mirror--they spend a lot of their time doing that. Is that bad for them, should I move the mirror somewhere else? I heard that it's bad to have a mirror it you have one bird, but what about with two birds?




  1. its not bad for them, it just makes them less attached to you (which is good if you cant be with them 24/7 - they are communal)

    As for the talking its all about repetition, it may take a while, but teach them something small. one sentence, a few words etc. once one knows it and starts saying it then the other will two. However you should try and teach them both. i.e. get them out of the cage at different times. one parakeet on your shoulder - and keep talking to it, then go put that one back and pull out the next one and start talking to the one you just swapped the previous for.

  2. if they are used to your handling then i dont think its to late. lots of repitition, and rewards. it might take a while but also a keets voice can be hard to understand so they might be saying it and just hard to hear. my keets dont talk but after a long time of doing that romantic whistle..ya know the one you hear in movies lol, my male does it sometimes. um with mirrors they like to look at themselves. its not bad if you have two birds and mirrors. i have 3 and the mirror is my izzy's saving grace. also they have a double swing with a mirror and they all fight over it because they love it. its def not to late to teach them to talk and the mirrors are just mental stimulation which is good for ALL birds

  3. I have rescued/fostered a lot of animals...but I can't help you with a bird question.  BUT, I did want to share 2 quick stories with you.  No matter who you support in the political will love this, I promise.

    Also, my ex jerk bf's dad had a parakeet and it was hysterical.  I never actually seen was upstairs and had full run of the whole, I never went up there...when I use to clean his mom's house.  But, I could hear the bird and see it in the window, when I arrived or left.  The dang thing would sit in the window...and say kitty kitty...LMAO  OMG too funny, but he could also whistle and then sing pop goes the weasel.  I would tease it from the bottom of the stairs and which ever it was saying or singing...I would sing or say the other...the bird only knew those 2 things.  He would pause for a minute, then go to whatever I was saying...then I would switch back, and he would pause again...and go back to what I was  I loved teasing him and having him switch back and was cute.  Especially...the kitty kitty.................LOL  Gawd, can you imagine what the cats wanted to do to this bird from outside the window....haha.  Anyway.........GOOD LUCK.  I do know that how ever you get them to talk, it has to be something played all day and repeated over and over.  This bird learned the 2 things he did from it's parents...who were much more vocal, but he wasn't with them long enough to learn all they knew.  There use to be a pet store years ago...up about a block from where I live now...and they had a parrot and it would cuss you out severely.........LOL  It was friendly....But had the mouth of a sailor....LOL

  4. I've heard of someone using a tape recorder at night time saying a certain word over and over again to teach her parakeets that way to talk.  You just play the tape at night time while they sleep.  

    Plus for the mirror I never heard of them doing any harm.

    My aunt's parakeet was a nut not just with his mirror but all his toys.  If you touched any of one his toys he'd go postal in the sense that he would move all around his cage to each toy and kiss it up.  I guess that was his way of claiming his toys back.  I swear he did that everytime.  I never saw something so hillarious.

  5. Good question- The key to teaching a parakeet to talk is repetition. Once they are comfortable around you (which I assume they are after 10 months), all you need to do is take them out and repeat the desired words to them over and over again. They will likely initially respond with random chatter- but reward them anyway. The key is to make them understand that you want them to mimic you. After that, its all downhill.

    My birds became obsessed with their mirror as well. I took it out only because they would attack me if I accidentally touched it while changing their food and water. However, I don't believe it will do them any harm--- :).

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