
Is it too late to try and handle my parakeet

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I have had my ring neck parakeet for about 5 years now. I got him from a friend who was moving house he was roughly between one and two when i got him. He is very unsure of everyone and we've tried everything with him to make him more sociable to no avail he gets too distressed when you try and handle him even if you stand near him or speak to him.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips or is it too late??

PS: i think the reason he was so unsure of people to start with was because my friend had two kids and they were quite a handful i could just image them shaking the cage and such, could this be the reason?




  1. It's not too late.

    It's never too late.

    Just put your hand in the cage for a few minutes every once and awhile, and the birdie will get used to it. He'll let you touch him and pick him up eventually.

  2. yea it woudl very well be the reason. yes oyou can still train hiim and handle him it will just take alot more time than norma. be soft when you talk to him maybe he just is a bird that only needs one owner and tahts u good luck

  3. Even though it's best to start as soon as possible, it's probably not to late to handle the bird. You have to do it slowly and gain it's trust. You'll also probably want to clip it's wings (or get a vet to do it) because if he's skittish he can really hurt himself if he flies away from you.

    He probably won't ever completely be tame, but if you can at least get him to calm down a bit it will be good for both of you.

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