
Is it too late want my ex bk?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my ex girlfriend we're together for a year and a half and we weren't just boyfriend girlfriend we were also best friends and I miss her everyday. Whilst we were broken up she saw a pic of me on facebook talking to another girl and she got really angry and said we'd never get back together now and then she said she likes somebody else. And she had a go at me for going out loads but we're not together soo why is she bothered and she goes out patrying more than me anyway. I want her back badly what do I do to get her back.

We broke up about 7 weeks ago because I got drunk at her prom and embrassed her in front of her family and friends. We've broken up before and she said if we ever broke up again we would never get back together. But when I tried to get her back via calling her, txting her and emailing her she said no but she also said if you stop beig stupid we could get back together and if we stay friends maybe we'll get back together. And we went shopping the other week and it was fun talkng about the old days and we arranged to go out more often to the cinema but ever since then she has said she's too busy and we're not meant to be. What should I do to get her back please any advice I'm trying to get the courage to ring her and talk to her thanks. And is 6 weeks too late (but I've seen her 3 times during those three weeks, she saw me at a party and got reaaly angry with me and I went round to her house to plead with her to get back with me lol and she asked me to go shopping with her). We were together for ages is she really over me or just saying it because I ruined her prom. Because we were going out for a year and a half I spent alot of my free time with her and we both got really attatched. I sent her a txt today saying if she still has any feelings meet me at 3 and she sent a txt bk saying she dosent have any feelings for me and I should 'leave her alone' but we were together for ages and really close how could her feelings change soo quickly. We went shopping the other day and we arranged to do more things and she sent me a txt saying we should dod that more often. But a few weeks later she's like you're being really sweet but I can't forget what happened and today she's like she dosen't have any feelings for me though.




  1. You're pressuring her too much.  She doesn't know what she wants, and that's why she's double-talking.  If you want her back, your best bet is to back off and give her space.  If she misses you, she knows how to find you.  If she doesn't, well, you're better off without her, in my opinion.  If you do manage to force her back into getting back with you, you'll be in EXACTLY this same position within 6 weeks.  Trust me.  Back off and give her time and space.

  2. are still very VERY young.  Apply for college and get out there.  Focus on you and your future.  Her dumping you was the best thing that could have ever happened.  YOu are young, handsome, and endless opportunies.  Enjoy life.  I would give my right arm and leg to be in your shoes.  Thank God and move on.  Accept the fact it's over and let go.  If it's meant to be, it will be.    Tell me about Spring Bling and College Beach!!

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