
Is it too much to ask that Joe Biden keep his hands in his pockets for just 15 minutes?

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I can't take the wild gesticulating. Does it drive anybody else crazy?




  1. I think you should be more concerned about the candidates' VIEWS and OPINIONS.

    Joe ROCKS! I LOVE him!

  2. You conservatives were the same people who criticized Obama for putting his hands in his pockets.  There's no way to win with you guys.

  3. NO. What bothers me the most... Are the stupid, noonsayers like you, Who can't think of anything real to complain about... so you target any little thing... like someone who expresses with their hands. I do it more than Biden to be quite honest. Does that make me less of a smart person, or leader? I THINK NOT. Now we all have our opinions. It is obvious not all of us can agree on one person, Nor can we all agree to disagree. But if you wanna complain, complain about something real. Seriously.  

  4. I'm more concerned about his political views than what he does with his hands.

  5. LOL I hadn't noticed.

  6. No it does not drive me crazy.  He is an emotional and expressive man.  He has earned the right to gesture wildly out of control!  I will tell you what does though.  Sarah Palin's voice and her s****. beauty queen wave and smile drive me crazy!

  7. Poor old Jerk (er, I mean Joe) Biden, guilty hands.

  8. He just reeks of a lyin scumbug

  9. Yes.  He is a cheese ball.

    Mario...I don't think this question is debating whether he is a good leader.  I think it is pointing out that his actions make him appear to be a salesman (a used car salesman at that).  I appreciate Joe's blue collar roots and his lifelong public service, but you must admit that his actions get in the way of the appearance of professionalism.  By the way, comparing yourself to Joe Biden is a joke.  It's not the use of your hands that make you less of a smart person, it's the use of nonexistent words like noonsayer.

  10. Yes, it is too much to ask.  It doesn't bother me.  I recall reading studies that suggest speakers that make a lot of hand gestures are more effective at communicating their message than those that don't.  I believe the rationale is that the hand gestures help draw the listeners' attention so they won't zone out as often.

  11. or at least keep off the sauce until after the election.

  12. I hadn't even noticed. I like him a lot. great speaker.

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