
Is it too soon to take a home pregnancy test?

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I have read that it can be as early as 5 days before your missed period. The first day of my last period was on 8/11/08, my cycle is normally between 28-30 days long. According to my research I should have ovulated between the 23-28th. We had intercourse during this time. When do you think I can take an HPT? The suspense is killing me...




  1. you could technically take it now, but it's only 66% accurate (66% accurate means that it shows false but it's really positive). However, if you do take it now and it shows a positive result, that means you are 100% pregnant. I would recommend however just waiting one more week and not taking a chance of wasting your money (cause those tests are expensive)

  2. 10 days after ovulation

  3. Honestly, I know what the tests say, but I would save yourself the aggravation and disappointment and wait until the day of your missed period.  I have found that some of the tests say they can detect the HCG hormone five days early, but they do not always prove to be accurate.  

  4. Here's the simple statistics... even if you've done everything right, the odds of a women getting pregnant in any given month are only 25% (1 in 4).

    So if you don't mind blowing money trying to learn early, go ahead.  But you are most likely to get a BFN.  When you do, you won't know if it's because you are not prenant or if it's because you tested too early (only about 50% of pregnant women that test that early will get a BFP).

    So the wisest financial desicion you can make is to give AF at least one chance to give you the BFN you are most likely to get anyway for free.

  5. I had to read this question over and over cuz I thought I wrote it. The first day of my last period was on 8/11/08 also. My cycle is pretty faithfully 28 days. My ovulation date was supposedly the 25th. We baby danced on the 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th. I'm only 9dpo, and it's killing me too. You make all these symptoms in your head. My period is due on Tuesday, which is the 9th. I am going to try my absolute hardest to hold off until at least Monday. Good luck with you and lots of baby dust. I think it's way too early for a hpt because implantation probably hasn't even occurred yet.  

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