
Is it totaly wrong to bother them?

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i saw Chris Pronger at a hotel pool in Laguna today and just looked at him a few times and kept walking on by and left him to his business with his kids. Anyways my friend is mad at me because I didn't get a picture of him. I think it is wrong to bother him in that type of situation even if I could sneak a picture, if he saw me and thought that I was taking one it would upset him. Anyways my friend doesn't understand why I didn't take a picture or say anything to him. So, would it have been wrong to try and sneak a picture of him or walk over to him and say something about being a Ducks fan or anything like that? I think it would but my friend doesn't get it.




  1. yeah you did the right thing. he is a very large man and I'm pretty sure u do not want to upset him.

  2. Who's Chris Progner??

  3. You definitely did the right thing.  If he's spending time with his family, that's his private time away from hockey.  If he was by himself, then it would have been okay to just say hello to him, I'm a big fan, etc.  But when he's with his kids, it's best not to bother him.

  4. Yea, I agree with the other poster. When it comes to family time it really is not appropriate to interfere with that. Even sports stars and celebrities have a right to privacy and alone time with the family. Also, when regular season comes around, he will spend A LOT of time away from his family, so I would think that he would want all the time he had right now to spend with them. So, you did do the right and respectable thing.

  5. you could have just asked if youcould get a pic with him, I"m sure he wouldnt' have minded taking 20 seconds out of his life to do that.. then again, it's chris pronger lol..j./k, but yeah it's not like there was  a crowd of people bombarding him....

  6. since he was with his kids,you did the right thing.

    if he had been alone it would have been o.k. to ask.

  7. You did the right thing. I would never bother someone in that situation either.

  8. It's alright to go over and say hi and tell him how much you like him.

    My brother and his friend saw Pascal Dupuis at Monroeville Mall with his 3 children, and my brother was just like "Pascal?" and Dupuis nodded his head and my brother said "heyy."

    I mean, as long as you don't talk to him for a really long period of time it's okay to say hi.

  9. I recently had a similar situation involving a long-retired hockey legend. He and his wife were dining in a semi-secluded area in a restaurant. As I walked through their somewhat isolated section, I recognized the hockey icon as he and his wife sat with their heads together, sharing an intimate moment and a smile as they were going over the menu. As much as I was dying to go over and say something to them, I felt a greater need to respect their privacy. I continued on my way, leaving them undisturbed.

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