
Is it tougher to score against a team with great helpside defense or 1 on 1 with your defender hand checking

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only answer this question if youve actually play basketball and youve experienced both types of defenses




  1. It is tougher to play against help-side defense.  Let's say you drive past the first defender, then there will automatically be another one waiting.  And guess what, now there is a sandwich, 1 defender behind you and 1 in front, you have little room to navigate now and most likely will have to force a shot.

    1 on 1, yea the guy can keep hand checking, but if you can manage to take him on, then you can score much easier.

    In the NBA, whenever we see a 1 on 1 fast break, the guy with the ball seems to score 100 percent of the time.

  2. Helpside defense.  

  3. helpside is harder to drive on, and 1 on 1 is harder to shot on, but overall helpside is easier because once u beat ur man u can shot, drive, or dish it to the guy , whose man is helping on u

  4. if he handchecks the ref calls a foul you get easy points at the line(unless youre shaq)

  5. Against help side defense, you need to be ready to do your pull up jumper before the help side defender gets to you.  If the defender is hand-checking (which is illegal in high school), your back is to the basket.  Unless you are a post player, why are you back to basket?  You cannot make good moves that way.

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