
Is it true, to test your prostate someone (a doctor) has to put their finger up your bottom ?

by  |  earlier

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ive seen it happen on tv ect where he gets the rubber glove out and tells the guy to bend over.




  1. Yes, the doctor inserts a well lubed finger up the r****m and checks the shape and size of the prostate.  The Dr. can feel the prostate through the rectal wall.  When you get over 40, you will be having this done, too.  It's really not all that bad.

  2. My favorite part of my annual exam (not really).

  3. Don't worry he will use plenty of lube and it won't hurt at all.

    Just smile and remember he has been there before..

  4. Yes. I've had this done - I would say it was uncomfortable but not painful; it's usually pretty quick.  

  5. Yes, its called digital rectal exam

  6. Yes, that's how it's done.  I've had it done once.  I was 13 and it was the most repulsive thing I'd ever experienced.

  7. yes,  its true and its something you should do every year after 40. He lubes up really well and won't hurt you.  

  8. Yes. I think I would shoot immediately.

  9. Yes, doesn't hurt though. I've never had it done.

  10. never had it but yes

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