
Is it true Al Capone was a huge golf fan?

by Stevie Colts  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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And if so, was the notorious gangster any good?




  1. Sports_Guide
    The mobster adored golf by all accounts, but no, his talent for the game remains in question. His local course was at Burnham Woods, then a nine-hole course on Chicago's South Side, and Capone was such a fan of the game that he sometimes played twice a week. "Capone had 20, 25 guys walking around the course with him," reckoned PGA pro Harry Pezzullo. But a guy called Tim Sullivan who caddied for Capone when he was a kid, claimed of the mafia head honcho: "I don't think he broke 60 for the nine holes. He could drive the ball half a mile, but he always hooked it, and he couldn't putt for beans."

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