
Is it true Australia will sink in the next 100 years?

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My biology teacher said that geographically its proven that it will... im scared.




  1. Your teacher is talking out of his rear end.Also you might be interested to know the world has been cooling down for the last six years.The Mediterranean Sea has been a desert twice before.He is one of the sheep that buys into this GLOBAL WARMING tax raiser.THE BIGGEST PRODUCER OF CO2 IS THE SEA but you can't tax that.Sleep easy

  2. 50-50 chance. But it's not likely it would be more than a few centimeters either way. Something as big as a continent can't move nearly fast enough to sink enogh to notice without some pretty precise measuring instruments, it just isn't possible without forces like we've never seen (and would be totally unpridictable). Another planet crashing into Earth might be able to do it.

    Sure, smal portions can sink a few meters in a major earthquake, and huge areas are constantly moving due to plate tectonics. But to ease your fears, since you were born Australia has been moving at the same rate that you can expect it to for the next 100 years.

    Sea level rise is another thing, that is the water coming up, not the land sinking. Worst case scenario, the sea would be high enough to cover coastal areas. But that would be fairly slow, giving each generation ample time to move a little further back.

  3. <<My biology teacher said that geographically its proven that it will...>>

    Ask them for a supporting reference.  If they can't supply one from a reasonably authorative source, then your biology teacher should learn to avoid spreading unfounded gossip dressed up in pseudo-scientific babble.  Don't settle for wish-wash such as: "Try Google".  It's their claim and they should have a source available to support it.

  4. I bet you sleep with the light on.

  5. If it does, I don't think it'll just be Australia.

    It probably will if global warming isn't stopped.

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