
Is it true Barak Obama refuses to pledge the flag?

by  |  earlier

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Last night i was eating dinner and the subject of Obama came up.

We were talking about him and the pros and cons etc.

a point was brought up that he refused to pledge the flag, is that true? or was it just a rumor produced by the media.

if you can PROVE that what you think is correct then that would help a ton! links are appreciated, thank you in advance!(:




  1. No

  2. It's true, see it for yourself here. It's the worst rendition of the anthem I've heard besides, I'd mute your speakers.

    . I question the judgment of anyone who proudly aligns himself with bigots, criminals, jihad supporters and anti-Americans. Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, his cousin Odinga and Emil Jones to name a few.  Jones will be able to add $578,000 from his campaign account into his personal bank account after he retires due to a "reform" bill that Obama helped him pass. In case you missed it Jones is accused of calling a Chicago politician an "Uncle Tom" for supporting Clinton. After refusing to apologize, he gave a semi-apology in exchange for a speaking role at the Democratic National Convention.

    What do you call a racist who bribes a racist?

  3. It's another lie being spread in chain emails, though I'm surprised it's still circulating since it was proven false so long ago.

  4. Of course he pledges!

    If you watch the beginning to some of his speeches he is pledging to the flag!

    I don't understand why people seem to think he doesn't like America. I just think it is a shallow excuse so people won't vote for him.

    I really believe he can make a difference.

  5. This site has info that may prove useful:

    It should debunk the myth that you've heard.

  6. He never refused to say the pledge.  That whole thing was taken out of context and doctored to show he refused, when in fact, the video that purportedly supports the view that he refused was a snippet, and not the whole thing that did show him pledging.

    What has happened here is classic smearing.

    That is called, politics.

    Bush became president twice doing that.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  7. I don't think so. I've not questioned his patriotism. It's his ideas and ideals I don't agree with.  

  8. i don't know, but he admitted that he doesn't give his little girls

    Christmas presents!

  9. I have never seen him recite the Pledge, or salute the flag, the pledge, or sing the national anthem.

  10. hahah are we back to this c**p?? Have you run out of new slams now you  have to go back to old fabricated ones??

  11. Not EXACTLY true, BUT;

    A.R. gives us link to to prove the negative, but fails to mention the same site has proof that it has happened. (btw, snopes is reliable)

    The US flag code states; During a rendition of the National Anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with their hand over their heart. The link below (to snopes) show the TRUE photo where this rumor comes from. While he does SOMETIMES remember to do so, it is also clear that he sometimes does not. And while he has not exactly refused to do so, it DOES show that he doesn't find it that important to follow custom or the flag code. It shows his level of commitment to the US itself and it's customs. He is quoted as saying in rebuttal to this rumor that he doesn't put his hand over his heart when singing the national anthem, but take note that in the photo he isn't singing...



  13. No that is simply not true. Obama does indeed pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. I found a link to a utube video that shows him doing exactly that. Of course this video was taken during one of his rare days in the Senate and still does not mean he is any more qualified to be president than Palin is

  14. No this isn't true, its just a rumor to get those who don't know any better to question Obamas Patriotism. At this point it would be silly to doubt either candidates patriotism, as both have made huge sacrifices, and have done a lot for America. I do believe however that being a patriot is certainly not enough to warrant you running the whole country, some of the more ignorant Mcain supports constantly barrage forums with claims that " Mcain sat in a box for 3 months for America, and he would never sell his country down the river" but to think any of these candidates would is ludicrous. the fact is though, the decisions a candidate makes is far more important than how long hes served, or whether he was a war hero, and the fact that Mcain Agrees with Bush 90% of the time worries me.

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