
Is it true Bill Clinton refused to stick around for Obama's speech and left the venue before Thursday night?

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Is it true Bill Clinton refused to stick around for Obama's speech and left the venue before Thursday night?




  1. The Clintons know that they have to give lip service to Obama to be seen as good Democrats but they also believe that Obama will not be good for the country and also want Hillary to be able to run for Pres. in 2012 and thus want Obama to lose while still giving him lip service.

  2. Yupper! They dislike each other.

  3. bill didnt hAVE time to stick around..he had to go and get some tongue cant live on bread along//aint that right lamonica

  4. Bill Clinton has left the convention early in the three conventions since his election. This was explained in the news on at least three different places. He does it partly as a way of making sure the focus is on the candidate (Gore, Kerry, or Obama) and not on him.

    ho hum no big deal here.

  5. why listen to it if u helped write it

  6. the clintons are the giants of modern politics, and they take obama beating hilary as both a slap to their faces and to the politcal system.

  7. Yes, it's true. The Clintons support him for POLITICAL REASONS. They know deep inside this rookie sucks !

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