
Is it true CA will one day ... ?

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fall off the US due to earthquakes and what not ? because i really want to move out there but have been second guessing myself due to this situation.




  1. Anything is possible. The world could come to a end. I have lived in California for almost 60 years and I'm still here. Earthquakes are certainly not a good reason to not live here. Every state has some sort of natural disasters. The most damage an earthquake has done to me was broke a few wine glasses.

  2. Nope, not true at all.

  3. no one really KNOWS that will happen.

    the plates of the earth's crust and they way they move (earthquakes) eludes to that possibility...but who knows!

    could happen tomorrow, could be 1000 years from now.

    if that's where you wanna be just do it!!

    wear a life jacket all the time while you are there!! LOL

  4. Yeah it will be underwater in a couple hundred thousand years

  5. I live in the SF Bay Area, and there are plenty of other things to worry about in CA that it sliding into the ocean.  I think, at this point, California would have a better opportunity of becoming an independent nation that is sliding out of existence.  I think there is a chance the 'global warming' can put us all under water, but it's nothing to dictate your life by.  But I do have my life jacket on in case that does happen!

  6. While this doesn't answer your question (sorry yahoo), in theory, all of planet Earth is bound to disappear eventually. Haven't you heard of the Big Bang theory?

    Seriously though, with all the lunatic politicians and nuclear weapons at the disposal of many countries including America, it seems we should be more concerned about each generation including this one our children's+if we live that long our grandchildren's

  7. California will not break off and fall into the sea. First of all, the sea is only two miles deep, and California is 20 miles thick.  

    However, due to plate tectonics, eventually California will slide into the ocean.  Eventually meaning in about 50 million years.  

  8. While possible in theory, not moving out there and worrying about it happening is nearly as silly as worrying about an asteroid hitting the earth...if it happens it happens, but there are many more likely issues to worry about.

  9. yes its true due to the past earthquakes the water of the ocean has been moving under Ca and the day that we have a strong earthquake that's above the 7.0  or something like that ca could go down and drown but don't worry that can happen years from now

  10. It's not likely to happen in the next 1000 years so i think your safe to move

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