
Is it true Dianna had s*x with her Butler ?

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Not just Arab men, but now the Butler did it ? Were there no limits to her sexual demanding ways ?




  1. Since I use to be a journalist, I look at stories like this one from a legal point of view.  Both public figures and the heirs of the deceased can't sue for libel. Accordingly, Princess Diana will remain fodder for all sorts of stories of the "he said, she said" variety that defame her character and sully her reputation for years to come.  Whatever the public thinks about Princess Diana, even though she is history, she still sells tabloids.

  2. And she cant defend herself. What has it got to do with anyone who she had s*x with, the man is an a*ss

  3. It's not true;Burrell is not known for his trustworthiness.

    And doesn't it look odd that since Diana is not here to defend herself,people of no consequence are saying things like this?Burrell and company are trying to make money;if lying makes money they will lie.

  4. Milady was a Sentient, perhaps of THE Avalonian stock which did and mayhap so is inclined for Psi,

    so do the Math

    or we WILL bring back the Bad Cop Druids and fly the Jolly Bran

    Is this at all not a scry GYNOS?

  5. h**l, no she did not have s*x with her butler??!!!!!

  6. How brave it is for some pond life to keep dragging up things like this.I wonder what it is,that goes through their tiny,tiny minds,the process of thinking,if indeed there is one.Pathetic little creatures who are beneath contempt.

  7. well, she did like to get around so can't rule it out but on the other hand that butler is most prob in need of cash and would sell his soul for fame & fortune and with the tabloid's being so willing to publish anything he'll never be short on either.


    Abolish Royalty, Free Wales, Scotland & Ireland!!!

  8. Anyone would have to be hard up to sleep with him, anyway he prefers the boys, the answer has to be NO.

  9. Don't believe a word out of Burrel's mouth. He's an attention-seeking loser who is using the Princess' memory to earn money.

    She was a huge inspiration to millions of people, do NOT accuse her when she isn't here to defend herself. To me, she will forever be a woman of dignity.

  10. what would a woman like her see in the hired help eh ? nowt at all particularly the one who bats for the other side as well !

  11. Hmm, do Harry and William look like brothers?

  12. The Royals are Stool pigeons for vilification, rumour mongering, false gossip, mudslinging and anything else that foul and nasty. Its up to you what you believe. it makes the Plebs feel better and give them a chuckle over breakfast, so hurrah to them, lets throw more Sh-t.

  13. She's been dead for 11 years, why are you so fasinated with a dead persons s*x life?

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