
Is it true? Education is a method whereby one acquires a higher grade of prejudices.?

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I suspect that more and more education is not necessarily a good thing any more than watching movies all day. Too many prejudiced people with with degrees lack wisdom and lack the ability to see important patterns. The just chant the beliefs of biased professors. Really intelligent people like Bill Gates quickly lose interest in the diploma mill values and attitudes and actually do something.




  1. That diploma on the wall only says the person attended college, and passed with a satisfactory grade.

    It says nothing about true intelligence.

  2. "Really intelligent people like Bill Gates quickly lose interest in the diploma mill values and attitudes and actually do something."

    Bill Gates is one of the foremost philanthropists on the planet, donating his money to a charity to help a lot of people.

    Tell you what, why don't you get an education and let us know if you wind up more or less prejudiced?

  3. I see your point....But to argue from the other end of the spectrum... I know people that are dumb as h**l ...that are VERY prejudiced... against  people,  politicians,  and places they know little or nothing about...

  4. Think it depends allot on what you mean by an education, some of us feel that memorizing facts and dates isn't  necessarily  an education and learning how to think, deduce, reason are sorrly lacking in what we call the education system.

  5. Educators ARE definitely prejudiced in their beliefs and that is usually reflected in their teaching...

    But it doesn't mean education itself is flawed in that way. I guess its up to us, the learners, to keep an open mind and recognize those prejudices. and learn from them.

  6. I would change that to education is a method whereby one MAY acquire a higher grade of prejudices.  One should not adopt or reject any view from a professor or otherwise without weighing its validity and context.  If one does that the prejudices are really postjudices.  The mark of any intelligent person is to put all their beliefs to the test before adopting them.  Also such a person is willing to entertain the possibility of being wrong if confronted with a strong argument.

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