
Is it true John McCian wants to stop free education ?

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My teacher said John McCain wants to stop public schools and make people pay for it, so they can go to a private school she said if you have to pay 10,000 a year for that school he will give you about 5,000 (giving an example) and you will have to come up with the rest if you don't, you don't get an education is this true




  1. Very true.

    The Republican way.

    More for the Rich, and less for the poor.

  2. Your teacher might be a flaming democrat who is trying to get you to vote (or tell your parents to vote) democrat.  Don't give in!

    And no, that's not what McCain wants.

  3. hmm idk but my private school is only like 500 a month soo its not that me?;...

  4. Your teacher is trying to push Obama on his/her students so obviously what he/she said was false because McCain has never said anything about that

  5. Yup.

  6. He supports school vouchers which means you would get your own money back so you could choose which school to go to rather than be forced to a failing public school.

    Your teacher needs to get his and/or her facts straight.

  7. Well, if you think the public school teachers are even worth that much. You should get in free. Cause you know more than them already. At least you wrote the question. It would take them a week to look up all those words in the dictionary. If they even knew what that was.

  8. That would be horrible!! i sure as heck hope its false!

  9. He wants to give people a choice of what school to go to. The problem is everyone would want to go to the best schools. These schools would be flooded with students and the student/teacher ratio could decrease the quality of education. Struggling public schools would be left for dead, and so would students who don't have viable options besides a public school. Plus I don't know how he could afford to give out so much free money when he's cutting taxes.

    If you want to absorb a struggling school into a better one that's fine, but this idea of attempting to let everyone choose their school seems like it could cause a whole lot more problems than it could solve.

  10. Your teacher is an idiot. Sorry.

  11. No that's completely false.

  12. McCain wants vouchers. Vouchers will in effect dismantle the public schools as they exist. The schools will still exist (many or most would eventually close) , but it's true that those who are not able to come up with the difference that the private schools charge will be in bad shape. It will leave those who don't have the money to pay the difference in public schools, meaning that the poor and middle class will be left in the public schools and the wealthy will be able to use the vouchers and attend private schools. Socioeconomic status of students is a huge factor in a schools achievement levels, so vouchers basically relegate the underfunded families to the underfunded schools and learning will be the first thing to go.  

  13. State and local governments pay for education. He simply wants to make a free market option for those not satisfied with public education and allow everyone to take part not just those who can pay for it themselves. If your teacher feels threatened by McCain she is probably one of those crappy teachers he said that he would be glad to help them get another job. I think your teacher is probably one of those teacher breaking with good ethics to influence you politically.

  14. John Mccain believes that inferior poor parents that can't afford to bring their kids to school shouldn't.  

  15. True.  He is for free enterprise.  If you want your kid educated, pay for it yourself.  We need more illiterate workers so we won't have all those illegals entering the country.

    Public education is socialism.

    Illiteracy is good for the USA

  16. No. I am aware of your age, and I have children in that age bracket, so I'm going to answer you as if you were one of MY children, whom I love and speak the truth to.

    I don't like the question;  maybe it's not exactly what you WANTED to say, maybe it is...I don't know, all I can do is address what you here goes:

    There is NO SUCH THING as a "free education"...The Government has NO money, NOT ONE RED DIME...The ONLY money Government has is money it TAKES out of MY BACK POCKET, or your DAD'S BACK POCKET...IT'S CALLED TAXES...There is NOTHING FREE in this world. Salvation is only a free gift to us because Jesus PAID for it;  same way with education....It's NOT REALLY FREE, SOMEONE PAYS....

    I pay over $4,000.00 per year in Real Estate Property taxes, (your parents pay taxes like this IF they own a home; everyone does) and over 70% of that money goes to support an education system that is diametrically opposed to everything I hold dear...My God and what He says in the Bible is mocked, scorned and ridiculed by this establishment known as the NEA,  and I can't help but wonder if your teacher is a member of a teacher's UNION....

    Their goal is NOT education, it is political indoctrination of their way of thinking....which is evolution, relative morality (if it feels good, do it...homosexual marriage, abortion, the whole pandora's box of evil when you remove God from existence).

    My own children do not attend any indoctrination system, er, public school...we homeschool our children, and they know abortion is wrong, and they know evolution is a lie, yet the LAW says I MUST SUPPORT this "public education" system which I DO NOT believe in....There are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of parents who AGREE with me, and John McCain is speaking to VOTERS like us who RESENT how OUR TAX money is currently being spent (if we don't pay our real estate taxes, the government WILL take our house away, and the police will throw us out), so if I want my kids to be able to sleep in their warm beds at night, I have to KEEP PAYING for something unusable....McCain wants to give us parents CHOICES WITH OUR OWN MONEY, and I think it's GREAT.  He isn't going to CLOSE ANY schools, just give parents CHOICES regarding their children's education.

    What your teacher is AFRAID OF is competition....If enough parents GET CHOICES (vouchers) enacted by new LAWS that McCain supports...then, parents with choices MAY give THEIR MONEY to OTHER SCHOOLS that THEY LIKE BETTER...YOUR TEACHER could end up without a JOB....Teacher's unions ARE TERRIFIED of this, so they're going to exaggerate and imagine ANYTHING they can say to AVOID IT.

    Meanwhile, people like me are forced by law to spend thousands of dollars every year to PAY THE SALARIES of school administers and NON-TEACHING POSITIONS who strongly disagree with everything we hold dear.

  17. yes and no, he has said it before, but now is supporting vouchers

  18. You should worry about your education because your teacher is spouting falsehoods.

    What McCain supports is the idea of school vouchers, which means that your parents could spend the equivalent of what it cost to go to your local public school and have that much money free to spend on a private school, if they so choose.


    What he talked about last night is different from that and even better.  McCain proposed that your parents would be able to select which public school you go to, which ,means that if you live in a neighbor with a bad school you would not be stuck with having to go to that school.  Your parents could choose anther school for you.

    What you need to know is this. Your teacher is part of a Union.  His or her job is protected by that union.  The unions do not want John McCain's strategy to work because the unions are not in the business of caring about the quality of education that children receive.  The Unions are in the business of making money for teachers.  

    I am not for or against Unions.  Sometimes they are necessary.  But, you need to know what their purpose and concern is and it is not quality education; it is job security for teachers.

  19. I have a bridge to sell you.  Interested? Seriously, if I was your parent I would have to pull you from that school if your teachers are teaching you wrong information.  

  20. Noooo. He didn't say that.

    Your teacher is incorrect.

  21. your teacher is lying to you, and nothing in life is free

    the goverment takes your money just to give it back

  22. Well, he is a Republican!

    But, seriously its about F'n time parents need to take some responsibility for there kids. You know that income tax check some get around April, per kid. I say put that money into educating your kids!

    I know people who are just waiting for that check to go buy useless things. With no worries for the future of there children. Yeah, State and Government may pay some, why not tax people with children? Come on they are the future take some responsibilities for YOUR children. You can't get something for nothing!

  23. Your teacher is wrong and did NOT listen to what McCain said. He said we should have a choice of what schools we can send our kids too. He said nothing about getting rid of public schools. I'm glad you questioned your teacher as she is miss informed.

  24. I sure hope not.  

  25. Sounds like some anti McCain propaganda, that's a insane idea.

  26. Your teacher should be doing their job teaching about math and English not stating their opinions and confusing children on who they should nag their parents to vote for.

  27. I thought McCain said he want`s to make education more choices for education

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