
Is it true Lebanese people that...?

by Guest59277  |  earlier

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One does not disclose or talk about their religion due to all the dissent and chaos in the country?

Is it a taboo topic to ask someones religion due to the different sects of Islam, Christianity and other religions practiced in the country?

I met a Lebanese man yesterday and we started to have a conversation. When I asked him what religion he practiced (just out of conversation); he told me it is not a topic that is discussed anymore by Lebanese people due to the political situation and dissention in the country.

It was not meant in a bad way - I was a little dumbstruck as I have never heard of anything like this.




  1. some people have certain topics they dont like to talk about,  you must understand that with no explanation,  is like somebody aproach you and ask you what is the color of your p******s

  2. Yes that true Lebanese people are starting to go out of the religion conversation they are trying to talk about everything but that why ? because Lebanese people Muslims can marry a christian everyone can do what ever they wont there but and i say again but Lebanese aren't practising there religions like be for they have this feeling that i am what i am ....

    but trance music parties drinking going out with woman has become there interests more than going to the gem3 or Nisei.

    i  dint like anybody ask me about my religion.

  3. It's not an off-limit topic and I've had some pretty interesting discussions with Lebanese about religion.

    In general, Lebanese are very open and the more you get to know them, the more they will discuss with you.

    But be aware...  Lebanese do love to sit and talk.  And you can end up in a gab session that goes on for hours.

  4. well personally I would never ask another person what his religion or beliefs are (if I just met him that is)...If he is one of my good friends then I would slowly discover what his practices in this field are (not that that would change anything abt the relashioship) and if it would come out in a conversation one time I would discuss it then...but I would never go straight up and ask that question...I don't think it's a taboo question or anything, but it's a personal choice...for me it's like asking someone "what kind of underwear are you wearing?"

  5. yeah they usually dont discuss it out in the open, i know a guy who is lebanese and he said its considered rude to ask people what religion they follow

    @ ANGELO:

    thats not necessariyl true about the name thing, I am Muslim and my entire family are muslims and we are from like a village in palestine but my name is Samantha

  6. As Angelo said above, we don't need to ask. We are born with detecting antennas and have been conditioned to automatically differentiate between religions and sects and place people in their respective baskets.

    Not only that, but I will also check if your shoes match your outfit when i first meet you and place you in my cool or uncool basket.

    This doesn't neccessarily mean anything negative, it's done  automatically and most of us don't care, are fine with everyone and get on with life once it's done.

    Having said that, any religion has idiots and "a small number" of muslims have lately decided to kill each other for belonging to different sects.

    This makes the subject a little touchy especially if the person asking you is carrying a weapon.

  7. No

  8. it's not taboo per se ... but it's a bit complicated ... because if you asked it means you are a sectarian and would judge people upon their religion ... but we'd discuss it with foreigners .. it's normal ...!

    but it's usually pretty obvious. If you couldn't tell the person's religion from their name, then you'd tell from the area they come from. If not, then maybe from their attire or any symbols they might be wearing ... etc ....

    so you don't really HAVE to ask .. you'll figure it out on your own hehehe ...

  9. I dont think so.A buddy of mine is Lebanese and we talk about everything.I think your friend was just uncomfortable talking about religion.

  10. when you talk about religion ... you're treading on thin ice...

    the least word you say could be considered as an insult....and create a fight or even spark another war...

    however among friends... you have no religious problems... especially the young generation

    but when speaking to a stranger it's considered very rude here to ask about someone's religion, especially if it is the first thing you ask..... if you do so... then you're accused of being  "metshadded religiously" dunno how to say it in english...

    so when you ask someone you just met about their religion... it's like you're saying:  if you're not of my religion ur not worthy ... or i dnt speak with people of your views...etc..

    then again some people don't mind it...  but it's better not to ask...

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