
Is it true Oxford University accepts only 6 International students every year??? are you one of them?

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I want to go to Oxford. Should I abstan just because they accept only 6 International students every year? is this true? I live in Florida. (Tell me anything about Oxford you can tell me)




  1. I'll give you a few quotes I found on Oxford's website:

    "One third of Oxford’s students and its academic staff, including 63% of full-time graduate students, come from outside the UK."

    "Students come to Oxford from around 140 countries and territories, creating a vibrant and diverse student community. The largest groups of international students come from the USA (1,413), China and Hong Kong (699), Germany (572), Canada (349), and India (257)."

    So to answer your first question: No, a lot more than 6 international students are admitted each year. As for your next desire, to know everying about Oxford, here are a few links you should read through which will help you learn a bit about the university. This one is pretty interesting, another snipet:

    Oxonians (a term for members of the university derived from its Latin name, Academia Oxoniensis) have included two British kings and at least twelve monarchs of ten other sovereign states, twenty-five British prime ministers, and thirty-five presidents and prime ministers of nineteen other countries, twelve saints, ten blesseds, an antipope, eighteen cardinals, and eighty-seven archbishops (including thirty-two of Canterbury and twenty-two of York), as well as forty-seven Nobel prize-winners and three Fields medallists. twenty-four princes and princesses (among them the heirs apparent of Belgium, Brunei, and Japan), thirty-three dukes, nineteen marquesses, eighty-two earls and countesses, forty-six viscounts and viscountesses, and 188 barons and baronesses; 157 bishops (Anglican and Catholic); 291 Members of Parliament (excluding MPs who were subsequently peers), eleven Members of the European Parliament (excluding MEPs also serving at Westminster), twelve Lord Chancellors, nine Lord Chief Justices and twenty-two law lords; ten US Senators, ten US Representatives (including a Speaker of the House), three state governors, and four associate justices of the US Supreme Court; as well as six puisne justices of the Supreme Court of Canada and a chief justice of the now defunct Federal Court of Canada.

    Non-factually, life for students in Oxford University is about as good as it gets. You eat and live in medieval buildings, get to work with the best people in the field, not to mention that your peers group is just incredible.

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