
Is it true Rory Emerald is Dame Elizabeth Taylor's professional bikini waxer?

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Is it true Rory Emerald is Dame Elizabeth Taylor's professional bikini waxer?




  1. Serial Mom needs to get a grip! Rory Emerald, Baron Sligo, definitely exists and can usually be spotted escorting the most alluring women to society's grandest affairs.  Rory would never perform such a task for Liz as he is most respectful of an aging woman's need for privacy.

  2. No, because Rory Emerald does not exist!  Your question today and those in the past have no business in Royalty.

  3. Whoa, Serial Mama.   Rory Emerald DOES exist.  He is using an alias name like Actors and Writers sometimes do.

    He DOES have links to the Royal Family, so questions in this category are OK by me.

    To answer the question:  No, Rory Emerald has never done that type of menial work.

  4. what  is it with the Rory Emerald thing with you?

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