
Is it true Sarah Palin kills her own food?

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I heard a rumor that she helps butcher and skin them too so her family doesn't have to eat "little people food" like hamburgers or hot dogs.




  1. Wow! I hope that's true. I would make me respect her even more.

  2. If so, more props to her.

    It's about time American's get off their lazy bottoms and kill their own food.

  3. Well, I think that any good hunter learns to butcher and skin (at the very least gut) what you kill. I know that my Dad was adamant that if you were going to kill it then you must learn to gut it and prepare it for consumption. And I know a lot of people who prefer to hunt and eat what they hunt instead of lots of processed foods/meats that may or may not have been given extreme quantities of Antibiotics or Growth Hormone. That is one of the reasons Organic Meats are so popular.

    I would be more worried if she hunted and then didn't use the meat.

  4. she shot a carrot the other day

  5. Yes.

    I sure am glad no one ever has to kill the animal your hamburger comes from.  It just magically appears in the McDonald's microwave.

  6. I doubt it's true. She has a MIDDLE-CLASS background. If she does kill her own food it's healthier than eating all those chemicals in store-bought food!

  7. Little people food, now that's a joke. Her family eats what Alaska has to offer in the way of natural resources. Do you laugh at the people from Hawaii because they eat poi? Do you laugh at Texans because beef is a big staple of their diet? Why laugh at the people from Alaska for eating what Alaska offers?

  8. even musk oxes.

  9. Actually she just hunts from helicopters for sport. (And doesn't bother eating her kill. )

  10. yer she did she back stabed broccoli and got fined $70,000 and was sent to 19 years in prison


    What is the point of your question?

  12. She simply prefers moose burgers and moose dogs. It is about time the White House chef offered some new choices on the menu.

  13. and she saves milk by eating her cereal with a fork!

  14. Yes is true, and she kills off the wolves and wolf cubs so she doesn't have any competition.

  15. No. She kills herself

  16. Fresh is always better than canned or processed .. down with preservatives and liberals, their both hard to swallow and bad for your digestive

  17. it's true she hunts moose and skins them. she's a real wilderness woman, which means they should stay in alaska.

  18. Sarah Palin kills everything.  She thinks animals exist only to be killed.  Sarah Palin is actively allowing the slaughter of wolves and grizzly bears in Alaska by AERIAL SHOOTING which was outlawed in 1972.  Sarah Palin breaks every environmental law that stands in her way.  Sarah Palin has been described as "to the right of even the Bush Administration" when it comes to the environment.

    Sarah Palin is bad for everyone - human and animal alike.

    I eat venison and elk and buffalo and actively support sustenance hunters.  I do not support trophy hunters or un-scientific "predator control" just so a state can make a killing -pardon the pun- on tourist hunting licenses.

    Sarah Palin gives real, respectful hunters a bad name.

  19. Did you know that when you hunt for your own food, it's better for you because it doesn't have all the chemicals in it that the food in the stores has?

    I work with SEVERAL people that live in rural areas... They hunt. In fact it's about deer season now.

    Do you know what your hot dogs and hamburgers go through before they are hot dogs and hamburgers?

  20. Gun toting Foxy Momma. You go girl! McCain/Palin '08

  21. she is the female version of chuck norris.

    sarah palin does kill her food, her food kills itself to avoid a roundhouse kick to the face of death.

  22. Compared to a moose, everyone is little.  Mooseburgers and salmon taste better than food stamps.

  23. well you can still eat hamburgers if you butcher your own meat. and i don't get why anybody would want to eat hot dogs... they are sick.  

  24. if it is true, i respect even more.

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