
Is it true VAWA was written by NOW?

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NOW=(National Oganization for Women)

I just read that somewhere. Wouldn't that be like wolves guarding the hen house? Why does VAWA serve so few men abused by women?




  1. I am sure their input was used extensivly.

    And for those of you who keep claiming that VAWA is also for men then explain the need for them to put women in the title?

    If it were meant to protect everyone as you claim then there would be no need to put women in the title would there.

    So quite blowing smoke in our a$$es and telling us it's foggy ok.

  2. That sexist law was successfully legislated because of support from a number of feminist organizations like NOW.

  3. Pssssst. RADAR are hardly a "reputable source" are they?

    Men aren't abused or killed as frequently as women within relationships. But for those men who are abused, they need to report violence, in order to obtain support and access to VAWA.

    Women have lobbied for protection for decades, and now have legislation addressing violence.

    Edit: Nothing is stopping men from seeking protection under VAWA. You can't blame feminism for that. If men don't report, there isn't much anyone can do.

    ETA - How is that victim-blaming? Using your example and talking about women, the phrase would be " Nothing is stopping women from seeking help under VAWA. If women don't report, what can be done?

    LOL! How is that blaming her!?

    I've also said that as women, we've had to get off our a*ses to do something about our own protection. You too, can do the same thing. Go out there, and TELL men about VAWA. Nobody is stopping you, are they?

  4. The problem is mostly with police and judges. The current system makes it impossible for men to call the cops for abuse.

      If a guy was beaten to a pulp called the cops all she has to do is say he was abusive or make up a story and they will arrest him and take him to jail regardless if he needed medical attention or not.

    Heck a guy was beaten so bad he had to go to the ER, doctor's, nurses testified before a judge about his injury's and the judge did grant a PFA.

    The next day his gf went before the judge saying she was the abused party(not a scratch on her) and the judge reversed the PFA and granted one for her.

      NOW,feminist's and liberals in washington know men are being abused and murdered. Those scum also know the current system grants so many pervasive advantages towards women that it is impossible for a man to seek help.

       But yet they say "well this law is designed to help everyone" or "men should just report more".

    They know full well that if a man calls the cops for DV the guy will find himself in jail.

    They are all man haters the whole lot of them.

          This law is nothing short of proof of the war on men that feminist's are waging.

  5. No, laws are written by Senate, the legislative branch of our government.

    How would NOW write laws?

    And VAWA serves everyone. Where in the law does it say that men will not be helped?

  6. VAWA would've had to have been written by lawmakers to become a law.  They could've taken the wording from somewhere else like NOW I guess if they wanted to.  I have no idea exactly who wrote it to be honest, and how much they were influenced by others like NOW.  But, ultimately someone in Congress had to write it.

    Yahoo spell checker doesn't recognize could've.

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