
Is it true a Salafi can marry his mother?

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The Salafi Ulama Qadhi Khan says:

Of things which are haram but for which there is no Islamic penalty, these include… marrying your wife's sister, or her mother, or a woman who is already married.

On the very next page Qadhi Khan records a classic Fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa

"if a person marries a mahram (mother, sister, daughter, aunt etc.) and has sexual intercourse with them and even admits the fact that he knew while performing the marital rites that it was Haraam for him to do that even then according to Imam Abu Hanifa, he is not subject to any type of Islamic penalty".

Fatwa Alamgiri:

"If someone marries five women at a time or marries a fifth woman while already having four wives or marries his sister in law or mother in law and then performs intercourse with her and then says that I knew that it is haram for me or performs nikah al mutah with a woman then there will be no plenty of adultery on him in all of these situations though he confessed that he knew it was haram on him"

Do you agree with this rubbish? Are you Salafi?




  1. Ali...All these things are forbidden in Al Qur'an. Let that be enough.

    And the source you got this from is the worst possible kind...are you trying to do any good here?

  2. yeah i guess...can he? If the answer is yes, then it's disgusting  

  3. Sick discusting seperation of filth! ASTUGFARALLAH AZEEM!

    Are you that blind, its right there in Quran that you can't... are you seriously that blind! my goodness!



    23 – 53 – Division of Islam

    But the people cleaved the religion into fragments and each group is content with the tenets which they have chosen

    Ibn-i Mace, Fiten: 17, No:3992 2/1322 Ebu Davud, Sunna: 1 No: 4596 2/608 Ahmed ibni Hanbel, Müsned No: 8404 3/229)

    Avf ibn Malik narrated that the Prophet Muhammed(s) said

    I swear by the one, which is holding my Soul in his hand, that my umma will be splitted in 73 groups. One will be in jannah and one will be in jahannam.

    They asked:

    Ya Rasulallah! Which one will be in Jannah?

    and he said: (Ahlu Sunna wal) jammah

  4. Yes they are doing In Bunkers In Afghanistan................................

    And they are also Inviting NATO and ISAF  

  5. it is haram, illegal, forbidden, not allowed for anyone to marry any of their family relative in ALL PARTS OF ISLAM it is not halal.. it's not allowed and it's disgusting

    Muhammad (saw) said that it is better to marry outside your family lineage so your children are wiser and healthier

  6. sounds like a hating shia to me

  7. OMG that is horrible, i just read the pasted page from the book, they are kafirs. No No this is not Islam. Haram; Haram, Haram why aren't the Salafi answering?

  8. That website is anti-Islamic, or maybe a shia website trying to make the sunnis look bad.


    You know what Heba, none of us shias or sunnis are innocent.

    so don't just say it's the sunnis spreading fitna because its clear that its both who are equally spreading it nd posting false c**p

    And yes, this Ali guy needs to get a life.

  9. I have no idea who they are, but that is sick!

    but brother Ali, just focus on your religion, what you believe, why are you so concerned about what others believe?

  10. Are you SUREEE that website is okay?? becuz i know is a fake site made by someone against Islam

    and Allah knows Best!

  11. Yes- Most do with Talibans and Al-Qaeda.

    It is very common in Saudi Arabia

    Wahhabis have their Own laws- Like MISYAR etc. Like Emir having 50 wives.

    No wonder now Saudi Arabia has only Princes and Princesses

    Those laws are not mentioned in Quran or Hadiths.

  12. It is harram and prohibited in Islam for sure, to marry women in the prohibited degrees. In many Islamic countries you will get jail for this. But there is a penalty from God's side too and that penalty can take many forms in this life as well as the next.

    Imaam Abu Hanifa was a jurist. He was meticulous in the way he treated legal issues. I don't know in which context he said this or whether he said this at all. Many mullahs have the habit of saying things without checking their sources. If Imam Abu Hanifa said this then he may have meant that there is no clearly prescribed punishment for this in the Quran. That does not mean that marrying women in the prohibited degrees is allowed by the Quran. That also does not mean that there cannot be an Ijma and Qiyas on this topic. There are many topics that are not covered by the Quran and Hadith. In those cases, Islam allows Ijma and Qiyas. That's how things evolve and grow to keep pace with changing society.


    I seriously cannot figure what IQ level would make one think that by claiming such rubbish, he would be a reliable source.


    I just thought I should remind you of the following verse:

    "O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to Piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do" - Quran 5:8

    Let not the hatred to sunnies make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice

  14. Brother Ali, please whether it is true or not, it doesnt matter, u are spreading arguementns, anger, and fights, this is fitna, so lets stop this once and for all, if we're gonna think that ALL salafi's believe this, than we are not better when they say that ALL shias do such things that they accuse us of, so please, im asking you one more time as a friend and a brother in Islam, to stop posting this stuff, this goes against any teachings from our Prophet and it is surely not pleasing Allah, especially when Ramadan is next week!

  15. and where the term "halal" appears? i only see it in your own writing !

  16. sounds like jahiliah !

  17. That is considered incest which is illegal !i

  18. this is not true,and your references are just lies.

    however you and me know that shiites made Mut'a marriage as halal where as it is harama and great sin.

    and looking at the details of Mut'a is very disgusting!!!

    do you accept Mut'a for your sister or mother?  

  19. WTF?????


    P***k u!!! shuddup!!!!!!!  

  20. Answer to your question is ,Noooooooooooooo

    this question shows your mental ability

    if u dont have any thing in response to our question,you can stay calm,no need to act insain.

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