
Is it true a peanut is not a nut?

by Guest65955  |  earlier

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I was playing triva pursuit with my cousin the other day and it said the peanut was not a nut.




  1. it's not. it's part of the legume family.

    "The plant's name combines the morphemes pea and nut, causing some confusion as to the nature of the fruit. Although a nut in the culinary sense, in the botanical sense the fruit of the peanut plant is a woody, indehiscent legume and not a nut. The word pea describes the edible seeds of many other legumes in the Fabaceae family, and in that sense, a peanut is a kind of pea."

    There is a strong nut allergy in my family, but we can eat peanuts. I've always thought this was a little odd.

    How on earth could it be part of the meat family?? LOL

  2. It's not, it's in the meat family, i believe.

    v(@willow)Edit: Well, I meant that it is a good meat replacement, good for Vitamin D, high protein meat. :/

    And, I don't depend on wikipedia.

  3. Q.1 )Is it true a peanut is not a nut?

    Ans. 1 ) Yes , it is true that peanut is not a nut in botanical sense . It is a legume .

    Since the edible seeds are large and hard it is referred to as 'nut'.

    The edible part is , as mentioned above , a seed ( It is a good source of oil and protein .  As it supplies good amount of proteins it is equivalent of " meat " ; otherwise there is no connection between animal meat and peanuts !!!

    Q. 2 ) What is meat family ?

    Ans. 2 ) There is NOTHING  like "Meat Family" in botany .

    Q. 3 ) What is nutrient system in plants ?

    Ans. 3 )There is nothing like "nutrient system" in plants

    Peanuts develop underground BUT ARE IN NO WAY CONNECTED WITH THE ROOT SYSTEM .

    The legume fruit develops from a flower .

    After pollination and fertilization the flower stalk elongates and literally pushes the fertilized ovary under ground .This stalk is called " Peg "

    So the fruit development takes place under ground.

    This is the reason why pea nut crop requires porous soil.

    Click on the links for images ( Arachis hypogea is the botanical name for peanut which is also known as ground nut )

    From = A Botanist

  4. Yes.  peanuts develop underground as part of the root system of the peanut plant, while real nuts normally grow inside of a fruit.  Real nuts are therefore part of the reproductive system of a plant, while peanuts are part of the nutrient system of the plant.

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