
Is it true a person's energy remains in objects & photographs?

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Is it true that when someone gives you something their energy is left behind in it & is it true their energy is left behind in photographs? Does their energy linger in objects after death?




  1. That's what various people claim.

    'Course, there are still a few around who actually believe that the Earth is flat............... ☺


  2. Yes I believe that it is . I also believe that the reason the scientists say no is because scientist always have to have an answer to everything and if they don't understand it they say it's not true.

  3. The only energy people leave behind is that which is created by their body heat.  As I'm sure you know, that heat dissipates pretty rapidly, so there's really no reason to believe there is anything locked into an object just because a person was near it.

    I know it's not a fun answer, but it's based on reality.  Answers like fananne's show that people like her are more comfort disregarding reality and living in a world where warm and fuzzy things rule and where ignorance is something to encourage rather than look down upon.

  4. Apparently so, judging from the amazing things that I consistently see Court TV's "Psychic Detectives".  On that show, the police go to psychics who specialize in police work, often murders, to seek help when traditional methods have been exhausted.  Most often, they give the psychic (who, the program stresses, insist on having no information about the crime) -- photographs or objects of the victim or a crime scene.  Handling the photos, (usually face down!), or an object such as a pair of eyeglasses, the psychic reveals information he senses -- information often proves startlingly accurate and detailed about the persons and events: names of those involved, their present locations, whether they are alive or dead, the circumstances of the crime, etc.

    One of the surprising things about these people is their humility and lack of mumbo-jumbo.  With so many "experts", like profilers, pop-psychologists, and stock-market theorists expounding their "knowledge" like carnival barkers in the media, it's ironic that the psychics (at least these) come across as so modest and scientific in comparison.

    As to where such a skill comes from, or how it can be measured or verified, I have no idea.  But the evidence of the ability of objects and photos to retain information seems to be real, if as yet unexplained.

  5. Contrary to the popular belief on this site.There is no evidence anywhere to give that idea any credence.The answer is it's false.

  6. There is no scientific evidence that this happens.

  7. Why are you hippies always using the word energy for whatever you please!!!! energy can take many "shapes", like kinetic (no, not that type of kinetic) energy in molecules (or "heat"), movement, light, chemical energy. But energy is not a signature left behind by a cluster of cells and molecules that ceased to function and became inert.

    John S: You can leave traces of your DNA in a picture by bleeding into it or leave any kind of tissue attached, but DNA is just a freakin acid that, read by a rybosome, has the instructions to make sevelal proteins. Not so s**y eh? and Science doesnt say something aint true because they dont understand it, they say its not true because there is evidence of the contrary, or a complete lack of evidence.

  8. Reportedly some are sensitive to the energies in objects left behind by people (and other things). This is called psychometry.

  9. Yes, but how much of one's energy is left behind depends on how much they put them self into the object. An artist puts a lot of his/her energy into their artwork, and as a result the artwork has a significant amount of his/her energy in it for as long as the artwork exists. If someone does not consciously put themselves into something then the amount of energy left behind is insignificant, but some little bit is still there.

  10. No, there is no evidence to suggest this.

    You might want to read 'Spook' by Mary Roach - a scientific search for evidence of the afterlife.  It's fascinating.

  11. yes, it is true.

  12. No, this is not true. There is no scientific theory for the existence of a person's "energy" in the context that you seem to be using it. The available chemical and potential energy of our biological processes goes to zero as our metabolism rate goes to zero, the extremely weak electrical field generated by our nerve activity wanes as the nerves die, and the remaining heat diffuses to the environment as the body dies. This is all well understood via thermodynamics, and to date no violations of the 3 laws of thermodynamics have been observed that would lead to a mysterious missing "energy". Nor is there any scientifically supportable method of transferring this dubious form of "energy", if it actually did exist, to objects or to other people.

  13. Usually referred to as residual energy...rather than being "active" it is an impression of the energy at that point in time.

  14. I think it does..when I was younger I used to always sleep with this old bear my grandfather gave me..I guess i found comfort in it I don't know, but one day my mom washed it and it just didn't feel the same after that it was  not as comforting anymore. I still have the bear but it is just not the same.

  15. Yes, a photograph captures energy

    everything is energy

  16. That's what some people say.  Some physicists claim that just by looking at something you change it, of course physics is just so weird any more.  I think a photograph is just a bunch chemicals and really can't catch your soul, but then again the most photographed people are a little odd!  You may be on to something there!  If someone gives you something  they leave some DNA or a little part of them on it ,so I think your safe on that one too.

  17. We leave fingerprints, hair, germs, and other physical items behind when we come into contact with physical objects.  Humans also have an electrical field that is generated by their nervous system.  In addition, a magnetic signature exists for each human being.

    It is completely reasonable to believe that when a person touches an object, they are leaving an energy signature on that object, albiet a very weak signature.  Now, what is difficult to fathom is that any person would be able to detect this extremely weak energy signature.

    Some people claim to have the ability to detect the energy of individuals from objects that they have held.  It would be extremely unusual for a person to be able to detect and interpret signals that cannot be detected by machines, but it is not impossible.  There have been cases where people have gotten impressions from objects that seem to be beyond normal human perception.  These cases are considered "unexplained".  They are the types of cases examined by parapsychologists.

    The energy signatures would remain with the objects until the energy signature deteriorates completely (which could extend beyond the death of a person).  It is not likely that the same energy signatures would exist in photographs unless they were actually handled by a person.

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