
Is it true about Princess Diana's husband???

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Was he really as mean as all the books say??? I heard he didn't even stay at the hospital when William had a fractured skull!




  1. Most likely.

    He's a weak man, god forbid when he becomes king. *shudder*

  2. He went to the hospital, saw William, spoke with the doctors and then kept a speaking engagement for a charity. He left it early and returned to the hospital, but Diana's crowd never wanted to give Charles any credit for his parenting skills.

    Isn't it interesting that this supposedly bad father has such a great relationship with his sons, and how well they have turned out given the turmoil in their lives of the divorce and their mother's death and the world sticking its nose into their lives.

    As for cheating - he did cheat, but no throughout the entire marriage. And let's not forget Diana was putting herself around a bit as well. Her dear old butler would smuggle men into her apartment in Kensington Palace in the boot of his car. Classy.

  3. He was playing polo when william was born.

  4. true true true uncaring old ugly f**t

  5. the royal family still live in the 19th century.

  6. I don't know about that but he was cheating on her the entire marriage.

  7. He's a parasite, just like the rest of his family.

  8. Don't believe everything you read. Remember to read the other side as well to get a full picture

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