
Is it true about garlic?

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My dog has a big belly and his fur is faded. I can also see his bones. I think he has some type of worm. Is it true that garlic kills them?




  1. The dog's health is most important right now. Take him to the d**n vets.

  2. dont try to be funny, take ur dog to the vet now

  3. what r u doing on Y! answers take ur poor dog to the vet NOW  

  4. Um, take him to the vet. Immediately.  

  5. Garlic doesn't kill worms and there are lots of reasons why you might have a sick dog besides worms. Take your dog to a vet immediately and don't try to do homespun diagnosis.

  6. never heard of garlic killing any living organism like a worm. garlic is however very healthy to eat like an anti-oxident.  

  7. Some people believe that garlic kills worms, but others believe that- because it has such powerful medicinal properties, it actually feeds the worms.

    Second one sounds like it makes more sense to me.

    Tobacco is good for killing worms, and also wormwood, if you can find any, better check dosage online though.

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