
Is it true about live bearers???

by Guest66842  |  earlier

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I heard from my friend that you can cross breed different live bearer species i.e mollys with fancy guppies or platies with mollies to actually make hybrids. Is this true and if it is what do i have to do?? 10 points 4 best answer




  1. Platys and swordtails only, as both are in the same genus (Xiphophorus).  The other species are too distantly related.

    Where I think people get this idea is that livebearer females can store sperm from a single mating, and use this to fertilize eggs for up to 6 months.  Say you buy a white female molly and a black male guppy and get black and white fry a month later - most people would assume the black fry were because the molly mated with the guppy, when if fact she mated with a black molly in the store's tank.

  2. I have heard that to i asked the people at petsmart and they said the could scince they are in the same fish group.

    hope this helps.

  3. Platies and sword tails will cross very easily, There are several species of mollies and most of them will cross but guppies will try to cross with mollies and vice verse but there are not too many babies that will live with a cross like that. Platies and swordtails are in the same genus and so are the mollies and guppies but not close enough to be able to have babies very often and if they do the babies will probably be sterile.

  4. Copper is right about this one (as usual lol) However, I have heard of "muppy" crosses but they usually are dead at birth or die soon after. Not really sure if that is true or not though...never tried...I personally don't care for guppies very much!

  5. i have NEVER heard of a guppiemollie or a platymollie, i

    dont think that they are close enough in species to cross but  i do know for sure that platies and swordtails can cross breed

    hope this helps!

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