
Is it true about the Bee and the cell phones?

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My little brother told me that his teacher told him that The cell phones Frequency interferes with the Bee's frequency to contact others, And One dies, The other ones cry, doesn't eat, dies.





    read this

  2. It is one of many theories about the problem of bee colony collapse, this one  put forth by a bee keeper (not a scientist) in the paper The Independant (I believe).  

    There is no proof that the theory is valid, and the few studies are flawed in their designs.

    one problem with the theory is that various references to it blame different causes (radiation, radio frequencies, etc).  

    As for bees grieving, if one bee stings somebody (and then dies) why don't all the other bees die?  And if the cell phone is blocking their ability to contact each other, how do they even know one died?

    Don't bees use a pheremone to alert each other to danger?  And dance to relate information like how far and in what direction from the hive there is food?  Haven't paracites and disease been found in many of the abandoned hives?  

    There doesn't have to be a single cause for the problem.  With enough different stressors on a colony, it will collapse eventually.

    I think the teacher probably doesn't know very much about bees or cell phones, couldn't be bothered to research either, and has over reacted to the supposed cause because of her own innate fears.  

    On a side note, there also is research happening in the theory that sonar is affecting whales.  This I'm more inclined to believe.

  3. i heard this. but i have never seen research that backs this position. not saying it doesn't exist. bee's use a chemical signal. and behavioral signals. so it is highly unlikey that a electromagnetic signal would interfere.

    Governor palin is anti-life. anti-animal life. but pro human animal life. isn't that racist ?

    a killer like governor palin. i would get married to her daughter also. i am scared to get shoot by these killer hunters that lust for blood.

    they freak me out. a killer is a kill no matter if you kill the human animal or another animal for sport and not for food.

    what a waste of life.

    governor palin is not pro-animal life.

  4. That is OLD news..originally that was one theory of why the bees are disappearing ....but there have been many more theories since then.  They are disappearing but the reason why is still unknown.  That teacher is WAY out of touch or your brother was not paying close attention. More info here:

  5. Either your little brother is lying to you, or his teacher is an idiot.

  6. I believe Neo-nicotinoids are responsible, not cell phones.

  7. The cause or causes of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is still unknown. Cell phones were a theory at one point, but I believe it hasbeen proved that the frequency levels are not sufficient to interfere with the bees' navigation, unless you actually stick a cell phone in their hive or something.

    Bees show no evidence of having human-like grief emotions that would cause them to cry and stop eating. It's more likely that your brother misunderstood his teacher. In colonies affected by CCD all of the worker bees disappear without a trace over the course of a few days or weeks. The queen and any larvae or immature workers left behind starve to death not because they WON'T eat, but because they CAN'T. Without the worker bees, they have no way to get food.

    Here's a site you might find informative:

  8. no.

  9. his teacher is wack .

  10. i herd something like that but i don't know if it is true  

  11. A good one for the Myth busters.

  12. CCD or colony collapse disorder as of yet is unexplained. There are numerous theories from cell phone signals to chemicals. This was probably your bothers interpretation of the teachers explaination of one of these theories.  

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