
Is it true all the cities of the world will be destroyed due to global warming in 5 years....?

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Is it true all the cities of the world will be destroyed due to global warming in 5 years....?




  1. No.

  2. you are so wrong, its 2 months

  3. Oh Geez...stop watching so much TV...Not true...all hype...

  4. dude TV ...dicovery , Nat Geo channels ..or do some research on the internet...

    Global warming is all hype...nothing close to reality...

    Earth has faced similar increase ..100 times greater than the current be cool warming is not going to destroy the world nor does the Waterworld movie is going to be proved real....

    yes but the environment is getting polluted for sure and that is also one of the reasons for the current rise in temperature

  5. No but just in case it does I am accepting bids for a 200 room ark.

  6. Yes it's true, but don't worry I can do you great deal on some swamp land!

  7. NO, it will be at least 7 years.  It will be at the end of the Tribulation Period, as prophesied by John almost 2000 years ago.

  8. No grasshopper

  9. Yes, but only the coastal cities will be destroyed! Denver will be just fine!

  10. Oh absolutely!  Every last city will be destroyed.  We will be living in brush shanties, caves, and holes in the ground.   It will be awful.   You better start selling your possessions now, while they are still worth something.  Devastating Global Warming is Coming....the End is Near.......OMG !!!!!!!

  11. Highly unlikely but lets just see in 5 years time! Cheers ~

  12. I woudlnt call it fact, just a possibility, although personally, I dont believe in global warming, this planet has gone from extreme cold to extreme warmth time and time again since its formation. It just so happens to be warming up again. I believe we will continue to live, create new technology and discover the things we dont yet know for at least the next 500 years. There have always been doomsday theories throughout human history, this is just another one but dressed up with scientific words and phrases.

  13. That statement holds as much truth as the statements five years ago that claimed that ocean water levels would rise so high that miles of the east coast would be completly submerged under water.

  14. Yes, Not just the cities, the whole world is headed for doom on 12/21/2012!  Buy your shot gun and helmet now, avoid the rush.

  15. lets just see if we keep going down this awful road to destroy the earth.

    this is the first i heard this.

  16. All the cities of the world?!?!?!   No, not gonna happen, sorry!   Not even with a nuclear war would every city in the world be destroyed.

  17. No, but the coastal cities are going to be in big trouble in maybe 20 or 30.

  18. totally wrong !!!

    Nevertheless, I would recomment to some of them to buy rubber boots :-)

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