
Is it true at gas stations they don't check for id when you buy a pack of ciggarets?

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Is it true at gas stations they don't check for id when you buy a pack of ciggarets?




  1. The first time I would meet the new attendant they would check my ID.  Now i know all of them all I have to do is ask and they don't card me since they know me.  By law their supposed to though.  I guess its just luck I'm sure if their was a cop or someone from the government the would card every single person.

  2. sometimes they don't, but they almost always do. just get someone legal to buy them for u. like ur parents.

  3. some dont and others do sometimes it depends on the person that is getting them for you

  4. It's required by law to check.

  5. Not if you break a window and go in after hours... But i am not telling you what to do.  Thats your own choice.  But it would be wrong to do that.  But cheaper. But still wrong.  you could go to jail.  or worse.

  6. all lies,,,, they have verify machines now,,, what is the rush in smoking,,, wait awhile til you are an adult to dedicate yourself to cancer

  7. No, they check mine everytime.

  8. depends on how old you look and how much buisness they have and the way you go about asking for them(confidence is key)

  9. hahah well they are saposed to , but some dont ... thats just a gamble u haveto take.. or u coudl not smoke

  10. not true if the employee gets caught not idlng a Minor he will be fired and may face  criminal  charges

  11. Yeah, in fact I'm going to go get a pack right now, and I'm only 14!

    Lol, they do check.

  12. You cannot buy Monte Christo No1s in 'gas stations', by which I assume you mean a garage. Places which, incidentally, I stopped visiting myself upon the demise of attendant service. I digress. A gentleman would only ever deign to smoke said cigar, nothing less. So, unless you're a total oik, you shouldn't be buying your tobacco products in a garage under any circumstances.

    I suggest you procure a good humidor in which to keep the old Monties fresh and tickety-boo, also.

  13. Your best bet is an In 'N Out.

    Use google maps and go under "Find Businesses" to find one near you.

    They also sell bowls and joint papers and rarely ID.

  14. they dont check my friends i.d. which is funny cause hes sixteen.

  15. of course they do! if u want to buy cigarettes you either have to wait outside and ask someone to buy them for you or try looking for a deli/bodega near a high school or a college, those tend to ID less than surrounding stores.

  16. In the US they do -- or they should.  If they don't and get caught (and they do send people to check) not only will the store have to pay a heavy fine but the person who sold it to them can be charged with a crime and also be required to pay a lot of money.

  17. no

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