
Is it true barristers[ lawyers] in England can earn £800 an hour?

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I was born in England and am studying for my law degree and I would like to know is it only the very top ones that earn this amount or many do? thanks x




  1. Not strictly true.  The top QC (Queen Counsels) can charge £600+ per hour of contact time in court


    this includes paying all their team at the inns who have prepared for the case.  This doesn't mean they aren't on a good wage, but they do not take this home.

    As you know, studying law, you will have to pay when you have finished your degree for a chambers to give you your letters.  Basically this is an old indenture scheme; you pay them for allowing you the privilege of working for them.

    Most barristers earn a good wage but not an exorbitant one.  

    Not everyone with a law degree get indentured at a solicitors office.  They only take the best, or the best connected students.

  2. well your not going to pay some-one that kind of money if they are c**p.

    but i know someone who paid a top barrister £4000 just to get his legal opinion on a case, after doing what he advised he won his case, so they know there stuff

  3. Only the top Barristers. Most Barristers start out at about £18,0000 - £20,000 for a few years and you have to remember that barristers are self-employed.

    They are briefed by solicitors for their work so there is no way you can expect to earn this amount of money unless you have established your reputation, have lots of contacts and are damned good at your job which usually means being a QC!

    Source: I am in this area of work

  4. Yes it is true.

  5. Of course


    I have friends who work in the City (Traders) who earn a lot more than that, seriously

    Like in any industry, it's only the top performers who do

  6. Yes it is true cause they act also as judges

  7. Probably, I have just paid £500.00 for advice from a counsel of Chambers & I didn't even meet her. It has been done by post!!

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