
Is it true barry obama refused to assist the poorest of his brothers?

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his african brother, found living in a hut, lives off $12/year. i hope he sells one of his SUVs, or maybe his wife's promised inauguaral gown, and sends the money to his brother, as he claims in his rallying call for personal giving: "what you do for the least of your brother's, you should also do for me."




  1. "he was wearing nice clothes and was well spoken and his cheering for obama. it was all on tv today. maybe he will decide to move to the white house later."

    6 minutes ago

    yea well... it was only just recently and nobama did it for his own selfish reasons... The poor man has lived in poverty all his life but NOW that all the mud slinging has been started , its ONLY NOW that he(NOBONGO) did this for his brother.. I mean he doesnt want a bad image but ... oooops my bad. HE ALREADY HAS ONE *LMAO*

  2. Who is Barry Obama?

  3. Who the heck is BARRY Obama?

  4. he was wearing nice clothes and was well spoken and his cheering for obama. it was all on tv today. maybe he will decide to move to the white house later.

    togehter with the jewish vice president evan bayh they will bring a lot of change. ha aha ha

  5. Really? Did he take a pay cut?  The other Neocon trolls said he was living on a dollar a day...

    Maybe Obama doesn't feel obliged to support a brother he's only met twice in his life... just a thought.

    Hey, I thought Right wingers believe people should earn their own living. Why the change of heart?

    By the way your link doesn't have anything to do with your post.  Too lame.

  6. Barack the Barbarian, assumed his brother was aborted, I am sure he is dissapointed to find him alive, he loves all kinds of abortions.

  7. Yes.  But I'm sure he'd love to send him money from YOUR paycheck.

  8. You think he would have Tony Rezko buy some land for his brother like he did for Barry

  9. Down with obama!

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