
Is it true becoming a vegetarian can make peoples getting sleepy easily?

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Is it true becoming a vegetarian can make peoples getting sleepy easily?




  1. If you make sure your vegetarian diet is varied & everything in moderation, you will find you have more energy.

    Also please don't take Holly Anne's advice to heart - anyone can become vegetarian for any reason, health or otherwise. Someone I know is vegetarian because she just doesn't like meat...also, it helps battle obesity, and many other diseases.

  2. not true..

    if u have a balanced diet.

  3. Nope.  A balanced vegetarian diet can provide all essential nutrition and has positive, not negative health effects.  

    I've been vegetarian for 7 years and I'm not sleepy yet!  In fact, I have MORE energy.  And I've heard the same from lots of vegetarians.

    Of course, this only works if you eat well, and don't replace meat with sugar and other junk food.

  4. I have never herd that. But sense you might not get enough protein, that can make you tired. Sometimes vegetarians eat to much starch, witch makes more insulin... making you tired

  5. I have a vegetarian friend who decided to just go completely for fresh veggies and fruits with nothing cooked.  She became so weak and sleepy..............

    She had to go back to cooking beans, etc. getting something substantial in her system, but now, she's fine.

  6. no.i think not.i dont feel particularly sleepy,hold a 40 hour job.walk 4 miles per day.take care of house and family,dont feel too tired!

  7. not really, dont turn vegetarian because you think it will get you healther or thinner, the only reason anyone should become vegetarian is it they think its wrong to kill animals, thats the one and only reason people should become vegetarian like me (: x

  8. If you balance out your diet, just the opposite should happen.

    But drowsiness is a sign of anemia, which means you're not getting enough iron.

  9. If a proper vegetarian diet is followed, then there should be no problem with energy. However, it's pretty easy to get a B-vitamin deficiency on a vegetarian diet and B-vitamin is linked to your energy levels.

    If you are a vegetarian and you're having a problem with tiredness, see a nutritionist, explain your diet and symptoms, and it's very likely they'll recommend you start taking a B supplement.

  10. The only way you will get sleepy is if you don't get the proper nutrition.  As long as you get all the nutrients you need there is no reason that you would get tired.

    In the beginning I didn't eat very healthy.  I was tired.  Now I eat healthy and I have more energy than I ever had in my whole life.

    I have been vegan for a year and it was the best decision I ever made.

  11. Quite the opposite.

    Studies show that on average Vegetarians have more energy and require less sleep to function properly than those that eat meat.

  12. so not true your healthier so you GAIN energy not LOSE energy who told you that ridiculous statement?......................

  13. No.  Not having a healthy, balanced diet could potentially lead to a deficiency that would make someone tired or sleepy.  But vegetarianism does NOT equal an unbalanced diet.  It's totally possible (and not that hard) to get all of your requirements on a vegetarian diet and properly planned veg diets are very, very healthy.

    Please don't listen to Holly Anne.  People have a variety of perfectly valid reasons for going vegetarian.  Yes, a lot of people do it because they have an ethical objection to killing animals for food.  But veg*nism is also kinder to the environment and preserves precious resources that are wasted in the production of meat; people DO go vegetarian or vegan out of environmental concerns.  A well-planned vegetarian diet also affords protection against several diseases of affluence, like obesity, heart disease and type II diabetes; people DO go vegetarian or vegan for their health, sometimes at the prompting of a doctor (as in after a heart attack.)  Some people  are members of religions that either advocate or dictate vegetarianism; people DO go vegetarian for spiritual reasons.  And, of course, some people either don't like meat or find that they can't tolerate digesting it.  Suggesting that your own personal reason is the only valid reason is just narrow-minded.

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