
Is it true canada is making fuel for cars out of coal and doesnt import oil because of it?

by  |  earlier

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is it true canada makes auto fuel out of coal and dose not need to import oil because of coal, and where can i get information on it?




  1. You can't get fuel out of coal.  And we do import our oil.  Mostly from Venezula.  We also have our own oil in Alberta and offshore near Newfoundland.

  2. You kidding me these a******s know no shiit

  3. Canada is a net exporter of oil.  It doesn't need to make fuel out of coal.  You are thinking of oil sands and tar sands in Canada

  4. no

  5. I haven't heard about the coal thing, we've got lots of oil. We are doing alot of research using ethonal as a viable fuel source, which it is. Many public vehicles now use this and hopefully this will become available to all as it is a renewable resource unlike oil.

  6. Where the devil did you hear that?!

    Why would we possibly need to import oil? We control the world's second largest supply...

    See that big, empty space in Alberta and the Northern territories? Thats OIL.

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