
Is it true dating for short guys gets harder with age?

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I'm 19 & have noticed that i am noticed much less by girls than i used to be.

I'm only 5'7" & have been described as very attractive in regards to my face but girls don't care about my face because the fact is im short.

When i was in middle school and high school i was really popular. Lots of girls liked me (even if they were a lot taller), it's as if height didn't matter.

But those wonder days are gone. I'm now a sophomore in college & i'm no longer viewed as desirable because every girl wants a tall guy lol

I still pull sometimes but my personality has to be like a stand up comedian to get the girls to notice me. Or i have to do something amazing like in the movies to spark a girls attraction. Which is hard to do!! It's like trying to be superman in the personality department.

I hear it's even WORSE as people reach their 30's...

What am i going to do? I mean i want to love & be loved but it appears as if that is getting harder day by day.

So i want to know if age is the reason why girls don't like me anymore.




  1. well yea it does get harder the older you get if your short because my friends dad is really short and hasnt got remarried but you are kinda short for 19 i mena your 6 years older than me and only two inches taller but if you find a girl thats kinda short or that your only like an inch shorter than you should be ok i mean so far all the guys ive dated are shorter than me it dosnt matter to us very nuch i mean it cna but it really doesnt

  2. You don't sound short to me.. yes you are shorter than some guys but you don't sound short. I would date a guy even if he was short.. just not shorter than me. Besides you are probably taller than lots of girls.

    Chill. =)

  3. No, sweetie, I think that it gets better.  After we've dated some real jerks in our 20's, we realize that what's important is not how tall the guy is, but how thoughtful he is.   And the other thing is, after a while you stop doing the Nicole Kidman-Tom Cruise always wearing flats thing, and just be as tall as we want, and it doesn't matter if we're taller than our BF/husband when we're in heels.  

    And you should know that one of the smartest, sexiest, funniest guys I ever met in my entire LIFE is only 5'6" (not Tom Cruise).  The guy is a brilliant plastic surgeon and just smokin' hot.  Another guy that gets more action than Charlie Sheen is a lawyer in San Diego who's only 5'7".  

    I have to say, you're not flirting enough.  I think you need a little more self confidence.  If you're confident enough to undress a girl with your eyes, and she knows it, then I think she knows she's going to have a good time with you, standing up or lying down!

    And smart is always s**y, IMHO.  As long as you're brilliant at your profession, you'll have women all over you.  

    You want to be loved, but women who will love you are all over the place.  The point is that you want a woman who loves you the way you need to be loved.  Don't you DARE settle for the first girl you go with just because you think you can't get anything else.  That's like marrying your first ********.  

    You just need to show a little confidence and imply that you've got some bad boy in you.  From now on, you're Otter in Animal House!

    Or go tell some girl that you like tall girls, that (put your hand up to her head) she "has to be this tall to ride this ride".  

    I'm sorry that we're still superficial in college, but things will get better out in the real world.  I was really plain in college, didn't come into my looks until my late 20s (redhead, looked kinda dorky) and then things got a LOT better.  So, this is too long but I've been there, honey!  Good luck!

  4. 5'7" isnt that short, but i think maybe its because some girls would want to start having serious relationships and wouldnt want to pass on the "short" genes? Although at 19 that seems kinda young for a serious relationship, it would make more sense at like 22.

    Idk, i'd just go with a shorter chick like 5' 5" or something.

    Seriously, at your age id start seriously thinking about a good career, girls find money attractive and would probably overlook the height thing.

  5. I'm around 5'11/6'0 and Im 17.. and I don't get any girls lol. It's probably because I'm so shy :/

  6. Man, I asked a similar question the other day. It's a shame that shorter men get passed pun women because they want a more proportionate looking relationship. As to say, they see a taller man as a better choice because they feel more secure when they're with them. It's a lot of BS to me because the same thing happens to me but ironically a lot of taller women are attracted to short men for some reason. Its mostly the shorter women who want taller men. More than size and height, women are attracted to a man that can make them laugh and yes..age is definately a factor in when a women starts to define her mates qualities more.

    Oh BTW I'm 5'8 and my girl now is 5'7..d**n near 6 with heels.

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