
Is it true drinking soda/orange juice daily make the teeth yellow?

by  |  earlier

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I never knew that and I drink soda and orange juice everyday.




  1. i think drinking dark sodas like cola and even diet cola can discolour your tea after time..

    same with iced tea...

    however, ive enevr heard of orange juice or other fruit juices doing that! anyways keep in mind that about from the stains that you might get, drinnking these very often might mean that you will be more prone to cavities because they all contain ALOT of sugar in them, even the orange juice!

    try to drink more water.. you can even buy crystal light or other brands to flavour it but you wont have to worry about all the sugar then cause they use an artificial sweetner

  2. I think that's more about teeth rotting from not brushing them after drinking the pop.

    Brush your teeth and you shouldn't need to worry about yellow teeth.

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