
Is it true everything tastes better after midnight?

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Is it true everything tastes better after midnight?




  1. it is true about some foods like crackers and taco bell and burger king.

  2. everything tastes better after you're drunk

  3. its an interesting thought but i dont see how it could be true because what if you went to a diferent time zone does the time your tastebuds become active suddenly change or does where you are born affect the time your taste buds are active?

    i think its too complicated to be true tbh.

  4. Yes.

  5. yes

  6. Yes, because of the reactions in your body, your taste buds taste everything in balance.

  7. idk but i know cereal tastes better as a midnight snack than it does for breakfast.

  8. personally for me everything tastes good at night before i go to sleep and when i wake up

  9. no after midnight i have no appetite

  10. Yup thats when your taste buds are "active"

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