
Is it true for someone of mideastern descent to go unnoticed if white skin?

by Guest33687  |  earlier

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ive heard that if you were to take someone who was persian, indian, or arab, and lighten their skin to an european tone, and died their hair to blonde, red, or brown, they would look like an european. because i almost have to say they got a point, since they have most of the distinct features of a white person (thin skull, hairy, semi-flat faces, smaller physical features.




  1. Considering that the European genetic heritage comes from, or it is thought to have come from the Caucasus Mountains, thus the "Caucasian" race, it would make sense.  The mountains are between the Black Sea and the Caspian...  

    Also, the reverse could be true - that a white person could darken their skin, dye their hair and appear Middle-Eastern!

  2. If you looked really hard I think you could tell the difference. They usually have a certain shape of their nose and their eyes are usually the most different aspect. Take for example the egyptians and how they used to enhance their eyes with dark eye makeup. Their eyes have a very sly, mysterious shape to them.

  3. If they wanted to.   The bone structures are similar.  There are so many nationalities who travel nowadays, it is hard to see how anyone can really stick out anymore.  

    I think everybody blends in.

  4. Though it may be true in some respects, what would be the point?

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