
Is it true i will be of my meds for borderline personality disorder in 2-3 years?

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Is it true i will be of my meds for borderline personality disorder in 2-3 years?




  1. It really depends how well you respond to the meds.

    Only time will tell, I'm afraid.

  2. Why don't you ask the pharmasist.

  3. who knows, maybe maybe not

  4. Hi there,

    I have BPD too and read a lot about it to try and understand myself a bit better, which is hard with BPD. There is no such thing as Meds for BPD unfortunately but your probably referring to meds for Depression or anxiety, which can result or be a symptom of BPD.

    As other people have said it all depends on how you respond to the meds and to other treatment you are receiving. BPD can be very hard to treat and from what i can gather sometimes you grow out of it and for others it's a life long condition which they have to cope with, I know that's hard to handle though but it's a possibility. There is no exact time span on BPD so your safer just trying your best to get through each day without thinking too far ahead because you may line yourself up for disappointment.

    If you are worried about your meds or no longer wish to take them please consult your gp or psychiatrist and they will be able to help you.

    best wishes


  5. I too have BPD and it generally involves a lot of other conditions which you take the meds for - eg depression. However, it is a PERSONALITY trait and not a simple illness like a headche which can be "cured" with a pill. Therapy is probably the most important thing to help BPD and it can change your way of thinking or reaction to things more than the meds can. Dont despair, you can learn to get better with the right help

  6. I have BPD as well.  Whether or not you will be off of them totally depends on you.  As for myself and my own individual case, I most likely will never be off of my medications.  But this is me and how I respond to them and to my treatments.

    From what I have read though, many BPD patients take years and years (think until you are in your fourties) before they are completely "cured" so to speak, and med free.

    Every case is different.  My own advice would be to not worry about when you will be off your medication.  Instead, do your therapy and work towards your own personal goals-- the medication will come eventually after that.

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