
Is it true if u grab a dog by the tail....?

by  |  earlier

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that he'll/she'll get diarrhea... and if so for how long?




  1. I suppose if you did grab a dog by the tail you could give it the sh*its.  I would be sh*itty if I had a tail and someone grabbed it.

  2. where did you hear that at...i don't think they'll get diarrhea but I'm pretty sure they'll bite you

  3. I'd have to say that it is not true.  I sometimes grab my dog by his tail and he has never got diarrhea from it.

  4. It's not true, but if you grab his or her tail you may get bit.  The tail is like a dog's "private" area.  So don't mess with it.

  5. some dogs use diarreah as a defense. they may poo on you so you'll let go their tail.

  6. They won't get diarrhea but you probably will get bit.

  7. I've never even heard of that before, but I'm sure it isn't true. It'll probably hurt them if you pull hard enough, but they won't get diarrhea. Why would they?

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